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Subject: Re: Multiple key/key symbol spaces

> What I don't understand now is how you refer to scoped keys.
> If the department is unique only within a company, can it be referenced?
> Or Isn't it something to be referenced?

This is the big problem with scoped keys.  XML Schema cannot handle
hierarchical references well (at all really).

Let's take a concrete example.

<element name="vehicleRegistrationDatabase">
  <element name="vehicles>
        <element name="state">
           <attribute name="stateCode"/>
              <element name="vehicle">
                 <element name="owner.ssn"><anyString/></element>
                 <element name="regno"><anyString/></element>
    <element name="persons">
           <element name="person">
             <attribute name="ssn"/>
                 <element name="ownedVehicle">
                     <attribute name="stateCode"/>
                     <attribute name="regno"/>

For such a schema, we might have a hierarchical IDREF constraint as follows.
So for every vehicleRegistrationDatabase $x, for every
$x/persons/person/ownedVehicle $v, there must be a $x/vehicles/state $s such

- $s/@stateCode = $v/@stateCode and
- there is a $s/vehicle $w such that $w/regno = $v/@regno.

One could imagine encoding this by modifying the pattern for
vehicleRegistrationDatabase along the following lines:

<element name="vehicleRegistrationDatabase">
  <element name="vehicles">


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