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Subject: Re: Datatypes
The proposal has some problems with regard to QName. > given a string, return true or false according to whether the string is > the representation of a member of the datatype I think it has to receive context information as well as a string. > given two strings, return true or false according to whether they are > equivalent (ie represent the same value)? So does this. > One possibility is to say > that two datatypes are the same if all these three things are the same. > Should datatype parameters be considered as typed for the purposes of > determining identity? I would propose (as an alternative) to prohibit <setParams/> when @key or @keyref is used. This will make type comparison easy for implementations. -- Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI +1 650 786 0721 Sun Microsystems kohsuke.kawaguchi@eng.sun.com
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