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Subject: Re: Datatype interface for RELAX NG
> void check(String literal, ContextProvider context) throws > DataTypeException; > > This is like accept, except that it throws an exception for a literal that > is not a member of the datatype. Do you mind if I change its signature to DataTypeException diagnose( String literal, ContextProvide context ) [ throws UnsupportedOperationException ] I don't want to write try...catch close everytime I need a diagnosis message. ? > I don't think DataType.displayName is necessary. I want this method for formatting error messages. > accept => allows/accepts or contains Just out of curiosity... Why "allows" and not "allow"? And why "check", not "checks"? Other suggestions are incorporated. -- Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI +1 650 786 0721 Sun Microsystems kohsuke.kawaguchi@eng.sun.com
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