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Subject: Request of Clarification: include and combine

Followings are my current understanding. Is there any false statement?

* The combine attribute is allowed for <define>s under a <grammar>, but
  not allowed for <define>s under a grammar-level <include>.

* Nothing but "choice" and "interleave" are allowed as values of the
  combine attribute.

* It is an error to have <define name="foo"> under an <include>, if "foo"
  is not defined in the included file. (?)
  In other words, the following grammar is an error.
    <define name="foo"> ... </define>
    <include href="B.rng">
      <define name="foo"> ... </define>
  I guess this is hard to implement ...
* It is an error to declare the same pattern twice in the same file,
  regardless of the use of the combine attribute. (?)
  In other words, the following grammar is an error.
    <define name="foo"> ... </define>
    <define name="foo" combine="choice"> ... </define>
  Why is this an error?

* It is an error to declare the same pattern with different combine
  In other words, the following grammar has an error.
    <define name="foo"> ... </define>
    <include href="A.rng"/>
    <define name="foo" combine="choice"> ... </define>
    <include href="B.rng"/>
    <define name="foo" combine="interleave"> ... </define>

* However, it is *NOT* an error to use a different combine method, once
  it is redefined.
  In other words, the following grammar is OK:
    <define name="foo"> ... </define>
    <include href="A.rng"/>
    <define name="foo" combine="choice"> ... </define>
    <include href="B.rng">
      <define name="foo"> ... </define>
    <include href="C.rng"/>
    <define name="foo" combine="interleave"> ... </define>

* It is an error to have two <define>s, both without @combine, and share
  the same name.
  In other words, the following is an error.

    <define name="foo"> ... </define>
    <include href="A.rng"/>
    <define name="foo"> ... </define>

* It is *NOT* an error for all <define>s with the same name to have

    <define name="foo" combine="choice"> ... </define>
    <include href="A.rng"/>
    <define name="foo" combine="choice"> ... </define>

Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI                          +1 650 786 0721
Sun Microsystems                   kohsuke.kawaguchi@eng.sun.com

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