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Subject: Re: QNames

Michael Fitzgerald wrote:
> I think Makoto's proxy idea is very appealing. Rather than introducing a new
> concept, though, couldn't we just use the prefix as the proxy name and then
> just overload the ns attribute? Consider:
> <grammar xmlns:e="http://www.example.com/e" proxy="yes">
> <start>
> <element name="addressBook" ns="e">
>   <zeroOrMore>

Can I rather suggest, to be 100% clean:

<grammar nsprefix="e=http://www.example.com/e" proxy="yes">
 <element name="addressBook" ns="e">

or better IMHO:

<grammar proxy="yes">
 <prefix name="e" uri="http://www.example.com/e"/>
 <element name="addressBook" ns="e">

Or any other way to define a prefix without using the namespace prefix?

I think that what's bad with QNames isn't that much QNames by
themselves, but the dependency between markup and content and we
wouldn't eliminate this dependency by keeping the usage of the namespace

My 0,02 Euros.

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