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relax-ng message

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Subject: Re: RELAX NG telcon 12 June 2001

James Clark wrote:

> We have got a lot of new issues.  In this telcon, I want to trim
> down the number of open issues by seeing which of our open issues we
> can close quickly.

I oppose to close issues 42 and 43 quickly.

> 3. <except/> pattern (issue 42)
> At the last telcon we decided to use <except> instead of <not>,
> <difference>.  The issue of what to allow inside <except> inside
> <data> is still open.  I propose resolving this as described in the
> spec.
> 4. <key>/<keyRef> element (issue 43)
> At the last telcon we tentatively decided in favour of this, with the
> details of what's allowed inside <key>/<keyRef> TBD.  I propose resolving
> this as described in the spec.



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