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Subject: Re: RELAX NG telcon 12 June 2001
James Clark wrote: > Note that the ambiguity criteria for key/keyRef is NOT currently an open > issue. Issue 43 is only about changing from an attribute syntax to an > element syntax for key/keyRef. What is "keyAtts"? Our Minutes 2001-05-03 says: >3. IDREFS support? IDREFS in XML 1.0 are a white-space separated list of IDs >in attribute values only. Agreed that there was not a great need for this in >1.0. But <list><key ...>...</key></list> is allowed by 7.1 and 7.4. I wrote: > 3. <except/> pattern (issue 42) I misinterpreted 7.1. I withdraw my objection. Cheers, Makoto
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