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Subject: Re: Annotation issue: applying a:documentation to value

James Clark wrote:

> How can an a:documentation element be applied to a value element?
> At the moment, the spec follows XSD and RELAX Core in making 
> a:documentation apply to the parent element.  This presents a problem for 
> the value element and the other elements that take text content and hence 
> do not allow child elements (value, param and name). 

True.  I have already encountred this problem while converting a large DTD.

>The spec suggests one 
> workaround: wrap the value in a group.

Or, use a <choice> containing a single <data>, when we use <data> in <except>.

> Other possibilities are:
> a) Add an a:documentation attribute.  This doesn't completely solve the 
> problem in that you can have multiple a:documentation elements (for 
> example, each a:documentation element might be in a separate language 
> identified by an xml:lang attribute), but only a single a:documentation 
> attribute would be possible.

I would like to have a consistent solution.  We always use attributes 
or always use elements.  

> b) Say that an a:documentation element can be applied to a value, param or 
> name element by making it a following sibling of the value, param or name 
> element.

I don't like it, since people will be confused.

> c) Make some change to RELAX NG itself.  For example, allow the div element 
> where patterns and/or name classes are allowed.

I like addition of some specialized wrapper elements rather than <div>.



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