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Subject: Re: Annotation issue: applying a:documentation to value
> I like addition of some specialized wrapper elements rather than <div>. There are two things we can wrap. We can put the wrapper around the value, param ane name elements, or we can put it around the content of these elements. I think it is going to work out cleanest to put the wrapper around the content, eg <value> <a:documentation>Japan</a:documentation> <content>JP</content> </value> That way, we don't have to special case the rules for what a:documentation applies to: it always applies to the parent. <content> itself wouldn't be allowed to have annotation attributes. Thus in all places where the content of an RELAX NG element is currently <data type="X"/> it would become <choice> <data type="X"/> <interleave> <element name="content"> <data type="X"/> </element> <ref name="other"/> </interleave> </choice> Is there a better name than <content>? At first I thought it would be better to have a wrapper around arbitrary patterns, so that for example you could use it to implement something like our old key/keyRef elements as annotations. The trouble is that is that you use the wrapper element for something like key/keyRef then you might want to apply a documentation to that wrapper element. Also it's just too similar to <group>. You can ALWAYS use a group around a single pattern in any case where you could use that pattern (even in <except>) because schema simplication replaces a group containing a single pattern by that pattern. James
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