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Subject: Re: Annotation issue: constraints on pattern with a:attributeType

> If an <attribute> element has an a:attributeType annotation, what 
> restrictions if any should be placed on the <attribute>'s pattern?
> At the moment, the spec doesn't place any restrictions. Possible 
> restrictons include:
> (a) Disallow <text/>
> (b) Disallow any <data> or <value> element with a datatype that has a 
> different equality function from the builtin token datatype
> (c) Disallow any <data> element that does not allow anything that is a 
> legal XML name
> (d) Disallow any <value> element specifying a value that is not a legal XML 
> name

(e) allow <text/> only

<attribute name="id" a:attributeType="id">

I think this is less confusing.

If we allow something like

<attribute name="id" a:attributeType="id">
  <data type="decimal" datatypeLibrary="W3C XML Schema"/>

Then I guess users may think that <foo id="0"/> and <foo id="0.0"/> will

Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI                          +1 650 786 0721
Sun Microsystems                   kohsuke.kawaguchi@sun.com

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