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Subject: Annotation issue: constraints on pattern with a:attributeType
If an <attribute> element has an a:attributeType annotation, what restrictions if any should be placed on the <attribute>'s pattern? At the moment, the spec doesn't place any restrictions. Possible restrictons include: (a) Disallow <text/> (b) Disallow any <data> or <value> element with a datatype that has a different equality function from the builtin token datatype (c) Disallow any <data> element that does not allow anything that is a legal XML name (d) Disallow any <value> element specifying a value that is not a legal XML name The problem with (b) is that it presents an implementation difficulty. A datatype library will typically provide a method that checks instances of the datatype for equality. But there's no way to tell whether that method is equivalent to the equality function for the builtin token function. I guess datatype libraries would have to provide an additional method which says whether the equality function behaves like token for all values of the datatype. Another complication is that the pattern may use <list> in the a:attributeType="IDREFS" case. (c) also presents implementation difficulties (especially if there are regex parameters). James
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