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Subject: [relax-ng] YARNGI

Yes, Yet Another Relax NG (partial) Implementation"...

Its main purpose is purely selfish and I have started this new Python 
implementation to learn Python, make sure I fully understand the Relax 
NG spec and have a foundation to implement a prototype of my strawman 
for the DSDL interoperability framework (which is basically a proposal 
to define transformations on the document nodes similar to what is done 
by the "list" pattern).

There are still a number of limitations (includes and external refs, 
class names other than the name attribute, datatypes others than Relax 
NG builtin "string" and "token" and schema validity checks 7.2, 7.3 and 
7.4 are not implemented yet) but the validator passes the 213 tests of 
the test suite corresponding to what is already implemented.

Even though it's still early for a public announcement and availability 
as open source, this validator is available as an online service at:



PS: Many thanks to James for his very helpfull implementation instructions.
See you in San Diego.
Eric van der Vlist       http://xmlfr.org            http://dyomedea.com
http://xsltunit.org      http://4xt.org           http://examplotron.org

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