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relax-ng message

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Subject: RE: [relax-ng] RELAX NG 2.0 ideas

<min count="3">
  <element name="product"><text/></element>

<max count="3">
  <element name="product"><text/></element>

<min count="2">
 <max count="10">
  <element name="product"><text/></element>

 <max count="7">
  <element name="product"><text/></element>

 <max count="6">
  <element name="product"><text/></element>

Or...when we know the min:

<zeroOrMore max="7">
 <element name="product"><text/></element>

<oneOrMore max="7">
 <element name="product"><text/></element>

James Clark wrote:
> 1. Repeat M-N times (issue 11); I think this is particularly useful with
> regexes, so if we add regexes along the lines that John C proposes, then I
> think the balance tips towards these

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