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Subject: [relax-ng] RELAX NG TC meeting 2002-10-31 (fwd)
---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Date: 02 November 2002 10:13 -0800 From: Michael Fitzgerald <michael@fitzgerald.name> To: jjc@jclark.com Subject: RELAX NG TC meeting 2002-10-31 [please forward to list. thanks -Mike] Minutes for a RELAX NG TC meeting held Thursday, 31 October 2002 at 9:00 am EST (UTC -04:00) Next meeting in two weeks: 14 Nov 2002 Present David James John Josh Kohsuke Makoto Mike Norm absent with regrests Agenda Issue 24 Confirmed that this issue is closed with the requirement of ## + for documentation elements Issue 23 Confirmed closed, with the requirement to add a top-level body production containing one element Issue 21 Confirmed closed, allowing renaming and reordering for non- structure preserving translators Attribute vs. current grammar (A.1 of spec) Makoto: I agree that we need a change James: I agree that we need more information to help programmers, types of arguments and return values Makoto: The hardest part is annotations, not sure how to make them clearer James: Annotations are trickiest Makoto: Need names and types James: Need names for arguments and return values Kohsuke: This can help, but people need to understand that args and return values are not the grammar James: I agree that we need more information to describe types; we can have names or positions; we have positions in my current syntax; names pass inherited information, this is less evident in positions James: should we have synthesized (single) return value or multiple named return values? I see two possibilities: 1) an anonymous value 2) a single names values Makoto: this is terse, multiple types can be expressed with attributes, elements, and strings James: If only one or two, it is not useful to have named return values; it would be weird and unfamiliar to programmers to have more than one anonymous return values Makoto: we call it a pair James: we don't want it to be too artificial Kohsuke: Change "pair" to something else James: the content of an element is set to an attribute, has subtype relationship; we should declare a hierarchy of types - - this would be clearer Makoto: a string is a subtype of that? James: Yes...what do people feel: a single anonymous return value, or multiple, named return values David: I prefer a single anon return value Kohsuke: Can live with it both ways Makoto: I can live with both, but prefer multiple named James: I can go both ways Mike: Abstain John: No view Josh: Lean towards single anonymous, but not a big deal to do the other...not quite sure Makoto: People will want to look at a draft of this before we decide James: It may not be trivial to show it both ways Makoto: If you address the lack of type information, I can live with your notation James: Perhaps I could do a version and then Makoto could a version Kohsuke: I like to be able to click on a name and jump to the spot in the grammar James: Yes, we can do that; type information will help deal with built-in functions, too James to do a version with single anonymous return value Makoto then to do a version with multiple, named return values Makoto: Did we change "context" to "environment"? James: Yes...have we addressed all your issues Makoto? Makoto: Yes James: When we pas names, Makoto uses {}, I use () on the nonterminal John: Couldn't you just pass it down by default? James: That's an interesting idea; could pass down environment [?] args by default, others passed down by name; makes environment args [less cluttered] which is good; terse but less obvious John: Explicitness is not a virtue when it crowds out the obvious <= quote of the week James: Wise words...I'll apply John's principle, use XSLT to do both default and passed down...what about {}? Makoto: {} is closer to attribute grammar, stuff that can be ignored; on the other hand, I have mixed feelings James: I have mixed feelings as well Kohsuke: {} are sort of ugly, I like () [?] James: () after nonterminal move to {} after each attribute? Josh: {} closer to parser generator format James: Yes...what does yacc do? John: yacc does $n David: isn't this just a question of style? James: I'll try to do both in my XSLT to see what turns out Mike: this is our only remaining issue [finalizing the attribute grammar] before we are done ? [go to committee spec] James: Yes Makoto: I'd would be nice to be done for XML2002! [Dec 8-13] Mike ================== Michael Fitzgerald Wy'east Communications mailto:mike@wyeast.net http://www.wyeast.net ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------
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