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Subject: RE: [saml-dev] Promised Participant Spreadsheet

Title: Message
This chart concerns me. It looks rather one sided. From the call, I was under the assumption that each vendor was going to provide a portal and content provider and thus be both a producer (src) and consumer (dest) of assertions for the browser artifact profile. However, most of the vendors are listed as just producers (src).
Regarding authorization, I feel that since the number of participants are small, we need to be both PDP and PEPs. We are prepared to do that. However, a better solution would be if the portal or content providers could act as PEP's as well and consume authz assertions even if they are not prepared to produce them.

Ken Yagen
Director, Software Development
CrossLogix, Inc

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Bowen [mailto:don.bowen@sun.com]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 9:47 AM
To: Hal Lockhart
Cc: saml-dev@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [saml-dev] Promised Participant Spreadsheet


Good suggestion. Here is the new spreadsheet. Please let me know if something needs changed. And if anyone knows how to fix the grid lines I could use help. I've tried borders under formatting, but it didn't help.

I did this right away, but got more info from my people and also found out that Cisco is definitely not going to participate.


Hal Lockhart wrote:


It might be worth adding a column to indicate browser/artifact source (portal) vs. destination (application). There is an analogous distinction between Producer (PDP) and Consumer (PEP) for the AuthZDecAssn as well.

According to my notes, Crosslogix, Quadrisis, Sigaba and Systinet plan to be Destination only. Baltimore, Entegrity, Netegrity, Oblix, RSA, Sun and Tivoli plan to implement both Source and Destination. Cisco, Novell and Verisign are uncertain or unknown.

With respect to AuthZDecAssn, I am under the impression that Crosslogix and Sun intend to be both Producer and Consumer (is this correct?) whereas at Entegrity, while we are integrating a Producer into our product, our consumer will be in the nature of a test frame and we will probably not publically demonstrate it.

The reason for capturing this detail at this early date, is that it directly impacts the size to the test matrix and thus the amount of time required for testing.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don Bowen [mailto:don.bowen@sun.com]
> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 12:20 AM
> To: saml-dev@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [saml-dev] Promised Participant Spreadsheet
> I have attached the promised SAML Interop 2002 Participant
> spreadsheet, summarizing what we discussed in our con call
> and much of what Dee put in the minutes.
> Please check the information to make sure that it is
> correct. Let me know if there is information to add and I
> will repost. If there is additional information that we
> should add, just let me know.
> I have contacted Cisco, Systinet and Verisign. No response
> yet from Cisco or Verisign, but Anne Thomas Manes has
> already replied and her information is reflected in the
> spreadsheet.
> I will be out of the country starting Monday and have
> limited access to email (I think). However, Ping will be
> monitoring the list for Sun while I'm gone. We should have
> an answer very soon confirming use of our facilities for the
> west coast dry run the week of 6/17.
> Prateek we still need you to repost the proposed scenario
> for the technical focus. We only have a short time left
> before our self-imposed deadline of 5/15 and probably have
> much more to discuss. If you have questions or proposals of
> your own, now is the time to speak up :-)
> We also need each vendor to send in the description of the
> application(s) they will be providing for the demo.
> Thanks everybody!
> Don;

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