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Subject: Groups - SCA Assembly Con Call modified
SCA Assembly Con Call has been modified by Dr. Mike Edwards Date: Tuesday, 01 February 2011 Time: 08:00am - 09:00am PT Event Description: Regular weekly TC teleconference Chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/sca-assembly-TC Dial-in: Full list of numbers available is here: https://www.teleconference.att.com/servlet/glbAccess?process=1&accessCode=3308084&accessNumber=02030596451 Argentina Toll-Free 0800-222-1512 Australia Toll-Free 1-800-85-4950 Caller Paid 0-2-80318490 Austria Toll-Free 0800-07-0079 Caller Paid 0-1-2530601 Belgium Toll-Free 0800-3-9022 Caller Paid 0-2-8946410 Brazil Toll-Free 0800-890-0288 888-426-6840 FROM BRAZIL Bulgaria Toll-Free 00800-117-4514 Canada Toll-Free 888-426-6840 Chile Toll-Free 1230-020-0719 China Toll-Free 10-800-711-1071 - CHINA NETCOM GROUP USERS China Toll-Free 10-800-110-0996 - CHINA TELECOM SOUTH USERS Czech Republic Toll-Free 800-143-484 Caller Paid 2-39016353 Denmark Toll-Free 80-717000 Caller Paid 32711870 Finland Toll-Free 0800-9-18357 Caller Paid 0-9-72519565 France Toll-Free 0800-94-0558 Caller Paid 0-170911580 Germany Toll-Free 0800-000-1018 Caller Paid 0-69-2443-2290 Greece Toll-Free 00-800-11-006-7783 Hungary Toll-Free 06-800-19-306 Caller Paid 0-1-7789195 Iceland Toll-Free 800-9823 Ireland Toll-Free 1-800-943-427 Caller Paid 0-1-5264424 Israel Toll-Free 1-809-417-783 Italy Toll-Free 800-975100 Caller Paid 0-2-00621263 Japan Caller Paid 0-3-64042596 Japan Toll-Free 00531-11-0086 - JAPAN KDD USERS Japan Toll-Free 0066-33-830321 - JAPAN C&W USERS Japan Toll-Free 0034-800-900377 - JAPAN NTT USERS South Korea Toll-Free 00798-1-1-006-7783 Caller Paid 0-2-348-31399 Latvia Toll-Free 8000-3906 Lithuania Toll-Free 8-800-31299 Luxembourg Toll-Free 800-2-7910 Caller Paid 24871280 Malaysia Toll-Free 1-800-81-5412 Caller Paid 03-6207-4471 Netherlands Toll-Free 0-800-363-6036 Caller Paid 0-20-7996800 New Zealand Toll-Free 0800-442905 Caller Paid 09-912-7548 Norway Toll-Free 800-16771 Caller Paid 23162149 Poland Toll-Free 0-0-800-111-1929 Portugal Toll-Free 800-7-80880 Romania Toll-Free 0-800-896910 Slovak Republic Toll-Free 0-800-000-101 888-426-6840 Slovenia Toll-Free 0800-80768 South Africa Toll-Free 0800-983-687 Spain Toll-Free 900-8-01334 Caller Paid 9-1-7878580 Sweden Toll-Free 0200-12-5807 Caller Paid 0-8-50515100 Switzerland Toll-Free 0800-89-4800 Caller Paid 0-43-2101240 United Kingdom Toll-Free 0800-368-0638 Caller Paid 0-20-30596451 Uruguay Toll-Free 000-411-006-7783 USA Toll-Free 888-426-6840 Caller Paid 215-861-6239 Participant Code: 3308084 Agenda: 1. Intro Roll call Scribe confirmation Agenda bashing 2. Approval of minutes of previous SCA-Assembly TC meeting http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-assembly/download.php/40954/SCA%20Assembly%20minutes%202011-01-25.html 3. Action Items id=2010-09-22-8 status=pending owner="EricJ" produce new proposal for ASSEMBLY-227 id=2011-01-04-2 status=pending Edwards to write a new proposal for the resolution of Assembly-246 along the lines contained in wsra 4. TC Administrivia a) Assembly CSD07 status 5. Open Issues (1.1) None 6. New Issues (1.2) ASSEMBLY-253: Must a global domain channel be deployed before it can be used? http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-253 ASSEMBLY-254: Names of channels should allow "/" character, and should be declared as URIs.... http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-254 7. 1.2 Specification Open Issues (1.2) ASSEMBLY-250: Need an equivalent to "autowire" for the eventing world http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-250 Proposal in JIRA Follow on discussion from previous meeting Latest discussion: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201101/msg00041.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201101/msg00030.html ASSEMBLY-227: Promotion of consumers and producers undermines composability http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-227 Proposal http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201004/msg00044.html http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/37273/sca-assembly-1.2-spec-wd01-issue-227.pdf http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/37272/sca-assembly-1.2-spec-wd01-issue-227.doc Latest discussions: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201012/msg00023.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201012/msg00022.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201012/msg00021.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201012/msg00020.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201012/msg00019.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201012/msg00017.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201012/msg00016.html ASSEMBLY-235: Remotable interface compatibility should not be restricted to a WSDL 1.1 mapping http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-235 Latest discussion: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201012/msg00030.html ASSEMBLY-239: (1.2): Business data filter element needs better name, definition http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-239 Latest discussion: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201012/msg00033.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201012/msg00035.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-assembly/201101/msg00034.html ASSEMBLY-233: Define how Policy works for SCA Eventing http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-233 No Proposal ASSEMBLY-243: Is the default channel configurable? http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-243 No proposal ASSEMBLY-244: How to enable extensibility to multiple bindings on a channel http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-244 Outline proposal in JIRA ASSEMBLY-245: Adopt the WS-RA Event Description specification to declare SCA Event Types http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-245 Proposal in JIRA ASSEMBLY-246: Provide Location within SCA Contributions for eventType Declarations http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-246 Proposal in JIRA ASSEMBLY-247: What are the requirements on an SCA Binding for eventing purposes? http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-247 No proposal ASSEMBLY-248: RFC2119 wording and conformance statement need to be added for event processing http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/ASSEMBLY-248 No proposal 8. AOB Minutes: This event is one in a list of recurring events. Other event dates in this series: Tuesday, 05 October 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 12 October 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 19 October 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 26 October 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 02 November 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 09 November 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 16 November 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 23 November 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 30 November 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 07 December 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 14 December 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 21 December 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 28 December 2010, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 04 January 2011, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 11 January 2011, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 18 January 2011, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 25 January 2011, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 08 February 2011, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 15 February 2011, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 22 February 2011, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 01 March 2011, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 08 March 2011, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 15 March 2011, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 22 March 2011, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Tuesday, 29 March 2011, 08:00am to 09:00am PT View event details: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-assembly/event.php?event_id=28493 PLEASE NOTE: If the above link does not work for you, your email application may be breaking the link into two pieces. You may be able to copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web browser. Referenced Items Date Name Type ---- ---- ---- 2010-12-22 SCA Assembly minutes 2010-12-21.htmlDocument
BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:MEETING STATUS:TENTATIVE DTSTAMP:20110131T000000Z DTSTART:20110201T160000Z DTEND:20110201T170000Z SEQUENCE:21 SUMMARY:SCA Assembly Con Call DESCRIPTION:Regular weekly TC teleconference\n\nChat room:\n\nhttp://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/sca-assembly-TC\n\n\nDial-in:\n\nFull list of numbers available is here:\nhttps://www.teleconference.att.com/servlet/glbAccess?process=1&accessCode=3308084&accessNumber=02030596451\n\nArgentina Toll-Free 0800-222-1512\nAustralia Toll-Free 1-800-85-4950 Caller Paid 0-2-80318490 \nAustria Toll-Free 0800-07-0079 Caller Paid 0-1-2530601 \nBelgium Toll-Free 0800-3-9022 Caller Paid 0-2-8946410 \nBrazil Toll-Free 0800-890-0288 888-426-6840 FROM BRAZIL\nBulgaria Toll-Free 00800-117-4514\nCanada Toll-Free 888-426-6840\nChile Toll-Free 1230-020-0719\nChina Toll-Free 10-800-711-1071 - CHINA NETCOM GROUP USERS\nChina Toll-Free 10-800-110-0996 - CHINA TELECOM SOUTH USERS\nCzech Republic Toll-Free 800-143-484 Caller Paid 2-39016353 \nDenmark Toll-Free 80-717000 Caller Paid 32711870 \nFinland Toll-Free 0800-9-18357 Caller Paid 0-9-72519565 \nFrance Toll-Free 0800-94-0558 Caller Paid 0-170911580 \nGermany Toll-Free 0800-000-1018 Caller Paid 0-69-2443-2290 \nGreece Toll-Free 00-800-11-006-7783\nHungary Toll-Free 06-800-19-306 Caller Paid 0-1-7789195 \nIceland Toll-Free 800-9823\nIreland Toll-Free 1-800-943-427 Caller Paid 0-1-5264424 \nIsrael Toll-Free 1-809-417-783\nItaly Toll-Free 800-975100 Caller Paid 0-2-00621263 \nJapan Caller Paid 0-3-64042596 \nJapan Toll-Free 00531-11-0086 - JAPAN KDD USERS\nJapan Toll-Free 0066-33-830321 - JAPAN C&W USERS\nJapan Toll-Free 0034-800-900377 - JAPAN NTT USERS\nSouth Korea Toll-Free 00798-1-1-006-7783 Caller Paid 0-2-348-31399 \nLatvia Toll-Free 8000-3906 \nLithuania Toll-Free 8-800-31299 \nLuxembourg Toll-Free 800-2-7910 Caller Paid 24871280 \nMalaysia Toll-Free 1-800-81-5412 Caller Paid 03-6207-4471 \nNetherlands Toll-Free 0-800-363-6036 Caller Paid 0-20-7996800 \nNew Zealand Toll-Free 0800-442905 Caller Paid 09-912-7548 \nNorway Toll-Free 800-16771 Caller Paid 23162149 \nPoland Toll-Free 0-0-800-111-1929\nPortugal Toll-Free 800-7-80880\nRomania Toll-Free 0-800-896910 \nSlovak Republic Toll-Free 0-800-000-101 888-426-6840 \nSlovenia Toll-Free 0800-80768\nSouth Africa Toll-Free 0800-983-687\nSpain Toll-Free 900-8-01334 Caller Paid 9-1-7878580 \nSweden Toll-Free 0200-12-5807 Caller Paid 0-8-50515100 \nSwitzerland Toll-Free 0800-89-4800 Caller Paid 0-43-2101240 \nUnited Kingdom Toll-Free 0800-368-0638 Caller Paid 0-20-30596451 \nUruguay Toll-Free 000-411-006-7783\nUSA Toll-Free 888-426-6840 Caller Paid 215-861-6239\n\nParticipant Code: 3308084\n\nGroup: OASIS Service Component Architecture / Assembly (SCA-Assembly) TC\nCreator: Dr. Mike Edwards URL:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-assembly/event.php?event_id=28493 UID:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-assembly/event.php?event_id=28493 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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