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Subject: Re: [sca-assembly] Fwd: Suggested text for Assembly 233

Hi Jim:
Good to hear from you!  Let me clarify.
First, that was a personal assessment not an Oracle position.
Second, that is how I feel today Sept, 29, 2011.
New evidence can obviously cause that position to change.

We are trying to get OASIS to start a public review for SCA Policy 1.1.
If we find bugs we will fix, 1.1, not start 1.2.

If the TCs decide that we need to work on Policy for eventing then, indeed,
we will need SCA Policy 1.2 but that is for the TCs to decide.  I'm guessing that
the chances of that happening are low but then, what do I know?

BTW:  Have you done any Policy Testing for Fabric3?  Please let us know.
All the best, Ashok

On 9/29/2011 10:38 AM, Jim Marino wrote:
On Sep 28, 2011, at 5:07 PM, ashok malhotra wrote:

Hi Eric:
There is not going to be a SCA Policy 1.2 and we need to say something about Policy
on events.

Hi Ashok,

Could you elaborate on what you mean by "there is not going to be a SCA Policy 1.2"? What if issues with Policy 1.1 are discovered in practical use? Also, what if we come to the conclusion that the eventing changes in Assembly require clarifications and potentially modification to the existing Policy model?


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