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Subject: Re: [sca-bindings] ISSUE-40: Clarify rules around combination ofdestination, CF and AS elements

New issue logged as: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-40


Simon Holdsworth wrote:
OF84D1F682.D137D86E-ON802574C1.0046263D-802574C1.0047ED12@uk.ibm.com" type="cite">
TARGET: SCA JMS Binding Specification CD-01


The current description of the ConnectionFactory, ActivationSpec and Destination elements in section 4 do not completely describe the valid combinations.  The text needs to be updated to clarify this, and the XML schema written to enforce the restrictions.


From earlier emails, the following should be true for the JMS binding:

1) ConnectionFactory and ActivationSpec are mutually exclusive within a <binding.jms> or <response> element.
This is reflected in the text

2) When specifying a ConnectionFactory in a <request> element, the Destination is mandatory.
This is not reflected.  Update required:

line 188 add:  "When this element is present, the destination element MUST also be present"

3) When specifying a ConnectionFactory in a <response> element, the Destination is optional.
This is implicit, although the meaning of the destination is not clear.  Need to add some clarification:

line 195 add: "for a service, this destination is used to send response to messages that have a null value for the JMSReplyTo destination.  For a reference, this destination is used to receive reply messages".  

Note that the RFC language that describes this is included in the message exchange patterns section.

4) When specifying an ActivationSpec, Destination is optional; when creating resources if not specified the system provides a Destination, otherwise if specified must be consistent with the ActivationSpec.

line 191 add:  If a destination element is also specified it MUST refer to the same JMS destination as the activationSpec.

5) A service <response> must not specify an ActivationSpec; a reference <binding.jms> must not specify an ActivationSpec.

line 191 add:  This element MUST NOT be present when the binding is being used for an SCA reference.

line 202 add:  This element MUST NOT be present when the binding is being used for an SCA service.

I'd need help validating that the XML schema enforces these rules where possible/appropriate, although I suspect that only 2) could be enforced by schema.

Simon Holdsworth
STSM, SCA Bindings Architect; Master Inventor; OASIS SCA Bindings TC Chair
MP 211, IBM UK Labs, Hursley Park, Winchester SO21 2JN, UK
Tel +44-1962-815059 (Internal 245059) Fax +44-1962-816898
Internet - Simon_Holdsworth@uk.ibm.com

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