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sca-bindings message

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Subject: Attempt #4 to resolve issues 57, 58, and 59

Based on discussion in the conf. call:

The following is the (fourth!) proposed resolution for issues 57, 58, 59, where underlines and strikeouts are used to show deltas from the last proposal.

Each specification (ws, jms, jca) adds a section 1.4 - Naming Conventions.

The text of that section as follows (between the two line breaks):

This specification follows some naming conventions for artifacts defined by the specification.  In addition to the conventions defined by section 1.3 of the Assembly [SCA-Assembly] specification, this specification adds two additional conventions:
  • Where the names of elements and attributes, or the values of elements and attributes consist partially or wholly of acronyms, the letters of the acronyms use in the same case.  When the acronym appears at the start of the name of an element or an attribute, it is in lower case.  In all other scenarios, it will be all upper case.  For example, an attribute might be named "uri", or "jndiURL", whereas an XML Schema type might be named "JCABinding".
  • For the values of XML Schema elements and attributes defined in this specification, the values follow the same convention as the names of attributestypes.  If the value is of type QName, the local part of the QName value follows the same convention as the names of attributes.

For resolution of http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-58, also apply the following changes to the binding.jca specification:

(In document sca-binding-jca-1.1-spec-cd01-rev4.pdf)

Rename element "jca.outbound.connection" to "outboundConnection", all occurrences.
Rename element "jca.inbound.connection" to "inboundConnection", all occurrences.
Rename element "jca.outbound.interaction" to "outboundInteraction", all occurrences.
Rename element "jca.inbound.interaction" to inboundInteraction", all occurrences.
Rename attribute "binding.jca/@jndiURL" to "jndiUrl", all occurrences.
The value "ifnotexist" (multiple attributes) should everywhere be changed to "ifNotExist".
The values of the "resAuth" element, "Container" and "Application" should be renamed to "container" and "application".

For resolution of http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-59, also apply the following changes to the binding.jms specification:

(In document sca-binding-jms-1.1-spec-cd01-rev4.pdf)

Rename attribute "binding.jms/jndiURL" to "jndiUrl" for all occurrences
The value "ifnotexist" should everywhere be changed to "ifNotExist".
The attributes "JMSType", "JMSDeliveryMode", "JMSTimeToLive", "JMSPriority", and "JMSSelector" are renamed to "type", "deliveryMode", "timeToLive", "priority", and "selector", respectively.
Further, in section 3, line 217 - 218, change "specifies the value to use for the JMS header property" to "specifies the value to use for the JMS header property JMSType, JMSDeliveryMode, JMSTimeToLive, JMSPrioirty, and JMSSelector, respectively."
line 252, change " specifies the value to use for the JMS header property" to "specifies the value to use for the JMS header property JMSType, JMSDeliveryMode, JMSTimeToLive, and JMSPriority, respectively"
Change "PERSISTENT" value to "persistent"
Change "NON_PERSISTENT" value to "nonpersistent"
Change "sca:MessageId" value to "sca:messageId""sca:messageID"
Change "sca:CorrelationID" value to "sca:correlationId""sca:correlationID"
Rename jndiURL attribute to "jndiUrl"
Rename the element "wireformat.jmsdefault" to "wireFormat.jmsDefault""wireFormat.JMSDefault"

The "jms" intent referenced in section 5 of this specification needs to be capitalized as "JMS" to correspond to the Policy specification.

For resolution of http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-57, also apply the following changes to the binding.ws specification:

Rename the intents (section #4) from "soap", "soap.1_1" and "soap.1_2" to "SOAP", "SOAP.1_1", and "SOAP.1_2", respectively.

Hopefully, this wraps it up.


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