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Subject: Re: [sca-bpel] Issue 14: we forgot intents

Title: [sca-bpel] Issue 14: we forgot intents
Agreed.  I had to drop off the call during the discussion, but from the minutes, it seems we also ignored (intentionally or unintentionally) my thoughts about Schematron.  Is there any interest in the committee for using Schematron to give a little more rigor to where items can be put, and in what combination?

Anish Karmarkar wrote:
47EBC5EE.6070605@oracle.com" type="cite">

We resolved issue 14 on today's call, but right after the call ended I
realized that we did not define an extension for specifying intends in
the BPEL process. In a previous call we had informally agreed that
specifying intends in the process made sense. Issue 14 is not just about
services and references but about everything that can be specified in
the process.


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