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Subject: Raw chat log of 2010-04-19

Mark Combellack: - Roll Call
- Appointment of scribe. List attached below
- Agenda bashing
- Approval of minutes for 12th April 2010

0. Administration

- Open Issue Status:
    CAA + POJO:    0
    EJB Binding:   0
    Spring:        1
    JEE:           6
    Total Open:    7

1. Review action items:

Action Items that I believe are done:

Action Items that I believe are still to be done:
2009-07-17-01: Mike to create an example of the componentType 
introspection (JAVA-58 )
2010-02-01-04: Mike to look at JAVA-182 and prepare a CD draft for 
Spring C&I
2010-02-22-02: Mike to raise the necessary issue for @Remotable 
annotation on  (Related to recent Assembly-218 discussions)
2010-03-08-02: Mike to update CAA Test Assertions in line with the spec
2010-04-12-01: Dave B to check availability of an appropriate runtime 
supporting the EJB Binding

2. New Issues (Requires 2/3rds)

a. JAVA-198: Problems with the Extension Points in the XSD for 
binding.ejb (Mike)
Proposal in Jira

3. Updated Test Assertion documents

a. SCA-J Pojo - WD07
Latest discussions: 
Updated document (ODT): 

4. Remaining Open Issues for JAA and POJO specifications


5. Open Issues with proposals ready for discussion (Spring/EJB/JEE)


6. Issues waiting for updated proposals (Spring/EJB/JEE)

a. JAVA-109: Property and reference names computed from SCA annotations 
in web modules not specified explicitly
Proposal in Jira
Waiting for updated proposal (Vamsi)

b. JAVA-182: SCA Spring C & I specs needs to refactor text under 
abstract and introduction
No proposal (Ram)

c. JAVA-174: Consider portlets in the SCA JEE specification

d. JAVA-91: Java EE Spec: Need to define the derivation of the name of a 
component contributed to the Domain by an application.composite file
Waiting for updated proposal (Mike)

e. JAVA-93: JEE Integration spec needs to define how effective CT is 
Waiting for updated proposal (Anish)

f. JAVA-108: RFC2119 Language is needed for the SCA-JEE Specification
Waiting for updated proposal

g. JAVA-88: Java EE Spec: The @archive attribute of the 
implementation.jee element needs fixing
No proposal
Plamen to check whether on his informal JEE issues list

7. AOB

a. Straggler roll call

Rotating scribe list:

Graham Charters IBM (5)
Yang Lei IBM (11)
Plamen Pavlov SAP AG (3)
Anish Karmarkar Oracle Corporation (15)
Ashok Malhotra Oracle Corporation (19)
Mike Edwards IBM (18 )
Bryan Aupperle IBM (23)
Martin Chapman Oracle Corporation (17)

Please change your name from 'anonymous' using the Settings button

anish: Scribe: anish

anish: ScribeNick: anish

anish: Scribe: Anish Karmarkar

anish: Date: 2010-04-19

anish: Topic: Agenda bashing

anish: No change to the agenda

anish: Topic: Approval of 2010-04-12 minutes

anish: Minutes approved w/o

anish: Resolution: Minutes of 2010-04-12 telcon located at 

anish: Topic: Administrivia

anish: 1 open issue for spring, and 6 open issues for EE

anish: Topic: AI review

anish: no change

anish: 4 AIs ongoing

anish: Topic: New issue 198

anish: JAVA-198: Problems with the Extension Points in the XSD for 
binding.ejb (Mike)

anish: Mike introduces the issue

anish: MikeE: equivalent to the ones being raised in Assembly and 
Bindings TC

anish: ... use two kinds of extensibility -- any and substitution groups

anish: ... leads to UPA problems

anish: ... EJB binding has extension based of SCA binding

anish: ... wireFormat and operationSelector can be extended

anish: ... also any can be used to extend it

anish: Motion: m:MikeE s:Bryan to open issue 198

anish: motion approved w/o

anish: Resolution: Issue 198 is now open

anish: Proposal in Jira for issue 198

anish: MikeE presents his proposal (in JIRA) to fix 198

anish: MikeE: similar to what has been done in Assembly and Bindings TCs

anish: ... replace <any> with <sca:extensions> element

anish: Motion: m:mikeE s:Bryan resolve issue 198 with proposal in JIRA

anish: Ashok: where do we describe this change?

anish: MikeE: nothing right now in EJB spec, should go in Assembly spec

anish: anish: the <sca:extensions> is specified in 
EJBSessionBeanBinding, should say something

anish: Mike: we never said anything about xs:any either

anish: anish: don't feel strongly

anish: motion approved w/o

anish: Resolution: issue 198 resolved with resolution in JIRA

anish: Topic: updated TA doc for POJO (WD07)

anish: Mark: no comments received on the ML, updated the doc to WD07

anish: ... the doc is complete and ready to move on to the next stage

anish: No outstanding changes to be made to WD07

anish: Mark: the next stage is to update the test cases

anish: Mike: the test cases were complete per WD03

anish: Mark: need to update the test cases doc to sync up with WD07 
version of TA doc

anish: ... any volunteers?

anish: Dave, Mark & Mark can volunteer, but can't commit to a date

anish: MikeE: we can try a best effort on everyone's part

anish: Mark: no agenda items for next week's call, if the test cases 
aren't available to discuss

anish: ... if we don't have the test case doc by next week, we can 
cancel next week's call

anish: Dave: MikeE, any chance at getting the Spring AI and test cases 
for CAA AI?

anish: MikeE: can't commit at the moment

anish: CAA considered priority over spring

anish: Mark: will put the agenda together on friday, if we have an 
agenda, else I'll cancel the call

anish: Topic: AOB

anish: none

anish: Meeting Adjourned

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