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Subject: Re: [sca-j] TODOs for creating the POJO TA/TCs PR docs
- From: Bryan Aupperle <>
- To: OASIS Java <>
- Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 10:38:14 -0400
Under the new process, tc-admin is supposed
to create the PDF and HTML version of published documents, so it appears
all we submit is the editable source. So any PDFs we create are only
for the benefit of TC members.
Bryan Aupperle, Ph.D.
STSM, WebSphere Enterprise Platform Software Solution Architect
WW Center of Excellence for Enterprise Systems & Banking Center of
Excellence Application Integration Architect
Research Triangle Park, NC
+1 919-254-7508 (T/L 444-7508)
Internet Address:
| Anish Karmarkar <>
| OASIS Java <>
| 11/03/2010 07:11 PM
| [sca-j] TODOs for creating the POJO
TA/TCs PR docs |
From the last call, these are the TODOs that
I have for moving to POJO
1) Update of assembly schema (Action for Mike). I'm assuming that this
does not require a new Assembly spec CSD. Please let me know if this is
incorrect (the assembly spec referenced from the Java specs should be
consistent with the assembly schema referenced from the Java specs).
2) Update of Java schemas to include the appropriate assembly xsd (both,
in the spec docs and in SVN). We didn't assign an Action for anyone wrt
this. Volunteers?
When we approve CSD/PR we'll have to designate appropriate reference
updates for the TC admin. Dependencies:
1) TC->TA
4) CAA->POJO (non-normative ref, so if it is out-of-date I don't think
it matters much but might as well point to the latest).
5) POJO->Assembly (if needed)
6) CAA->Assembly (if needed)
Note to whoever volunteers for (2), the PDFs (which are normative)
should be clean version. If there is a separate PDF for the diff-ed
version that is great, but we need to approve the clean version).
Please let me know if I got this wrong.
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