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Subject: Re: [search-ws] items and groups

Rob - You suggest "startGroup", rather than "group". But then you say, no, the client does not indicate a number of groups.   And that the server returns only one group.
Wouldn't "start" imply more than one?    So wouldn't 'group" be more meaningful than 'startGroup".
Next:   "The server may not accurately know the number of groups."   But we should still include the response parameter "numberOfGroups". So the idea is that the server includes it if it knows, and doesn't if it doesn't?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: [search-ws] items and groups

On Thu, 2008-04-17 at 09:49 -0400, Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress
> We are introducing "groups" into the abstract protocol.  Currently we
> have the abstract request parameters "startPosition" and
> "maximumItems".    A server might serve records by group and/or item,
> so we want to introduce the request parameter "startGroup".   Or
> "group".


> Question: if a client requests by group, say it asks for group 3, does
> it also indicate a number of groups?

No. It may not know the number of groups.  The server may not accurately
know the number of groups!

> However according to my notes (and the minutes) the server response
> should include "number of groups returned" - though I think that
> should be number of groups" (not "returned", just the number created).

Number of groups returned is surely 1.  Number of groups created is what
is important.

> So we want to do one of the following:

> -  if the client is allowed to request multiple groups:
>     -- add request parameter startGroup
>     -- add request parameter maximumGroups
>    --  add response parameter numberOfGroups (in either case)

> -If not
>      -- add request parameter group
>    --  add response parameter numberOfGroups



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