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Subject: Security JC 8/19/2002: [security-jc] Proposed SJC Charter - Code ofEthics

I've added one more, for a list of three:
1. The SJC will promote the mutual respect among all OASIS technical
committees. The SJC will foster and maintain respect among OASIS
security TCs and for them in the security community at large. The SJC
will maintain a vendor neutral and vendor agnostic view in its support
for diverse security technologies.

2. The SJC will promote public safeguards and believes that security
technologies should be used solely for legal, ethical, and
nondiscriminatory purposes. The joint committee is committed to the
highest standards of systems integrity and data security in order to
deter identity theft, protect personal privacy, and ensure equal rights
under the law in all security applications.

3. The SJC adheres to, support and comments the OASIS intellectual
property guidelines at
<http://www.oasis-open.org/who/intellectualproperty.shtml> .

Thank you.
Monica J. Martin
Program Manager
Drake Certivo, Inc.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Monica Martin 
	Sent: Mon 8/19/2002 7:59 PM 
	To: Darran Rolls; security-jc@lists.oasis-open.org 
	Cc: phil.griffin@ASN-1.com 
	Subject: Security JC 8/19/2002: [security-jc] Proposed SJC

	I would also propose that we define a code of ethics that
	our charter:
	The SJC will promote the mutual respect among all OASIS
	committees. The SJC will foster and maintain respect among OASIS
	security TCs and for them in the security community at large.
	will maintain a vendor neutral and vendor agnostic view in its
	for diverse security technologies.
	The SJC will promote public safeguards and believes that
	technologies should be used solely for legal, ethical, and
	nondiscriminatory purposes. The joint committee is committed to
	highest standards of systems integrity and data security in
order to
	deter identity theft, protect personal privacy, and ensure equal
	under the law in all security applications.
	These have been mirrored after the IBIA Biometric Code of Ethics
	are particularly powerful.
	Perhaps these can be discussed in the upcoming meeting.
	Thank you.
	Monica J. Martin
	Program Manager
	Drake Certivo, Inc.
	        -----Original Message-----
	        From: Darran Rolls
	        Sent: Mon 8/19/2002 10:15 AM
	        To: security-jc@lists.oasis-open.org
	        Subject: [security-jc] Proposed SJC Charter
	        As per my action item from the last con-call, I have
pulled the
	text from previous charter discussions to form the following
	charter statement.  I have removed all mention of how we intend
to meet
	the charter goals.
	        The Security Joint Committee (SJC) has been formed to
	security related activities under OASIS.  On mm/dd/yyyy the SJC
	on the following four major goals for this JC:
	        To promote the use of consistent terms
	        Through consultation with, and the participation of
member TC’s,
	to encourage new and developing TC's to use consistent terms
	defining security related items in specification glossaries.
	        To promote re-use
	        To provide a forum that promotes the definition and
	identification of re-usable security related specification
	Security related specification elements are defined as (but are
	limited to) object models, use cases, extensible XML elements
	deployment profiles.
	        To champion an OASIS security standards model
	        To champion the creation of a reference model that shows
	OASIS security TC specifications are inter-related.  This
	model shall define how OASIS security related specifications
	together" and relate to other security relevant works at W3C,
WS-I etc.
	        To provide consistent PR
	        To provide a single point of contact for addressing
	related enquiries at OASIS and in doing so to help organize and
	coordinate security related comment and PR from OASIS.
	        Darran Rolls 
	        MSIM  drolls_waveset@hotmail.com
	        AIM    drollswaveset
	        YIM    drolls_waveset
	        http://www.waveset.com/ <htp://www.waveset.com> 
	        drolls@waveset.com < mailto:drolls@waveset.com> 
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	manager: < http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>

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