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Subject: [security-jc] SJC Resolutions

I was reviewing the various SJC minutes recently,
and it struck me that we need a way to better provide
an institutional memory apart from the rather context
specific meeting minutes, and the ballots that occur
on line. It also lets us differentiate between member
action items and group resolutions.

In ISO TC68/SC2, we maintain a file for this purpose
where we place resolutions that we agree and ballot
over time, meeting by meeting. I've taken the last
two on line ballots and mined the meeting minutes and
tried to construct such a document.

This is attached for your review and comment. And I
hope to refine this work, agree to a revision, and
for the SJC to consider making this an ongoing feature
of our process. This item will be on the agenda for the
next meeting.

Resolutions of the OASIS Security Joint Committee 

020626-01  The SJC resolves to allow OASIS members who are not SJC 
           voting members to subscribe and post to the private SJC
           mailing list.

           Approval: Unanimous

020711-01  The SJC resolves that "SJC" will be the official acronym
           of the OASIS Security Joint Committee.

           Approval: Unanimous

020808-01  The SJC resolves that the position of SJC Chair shall last
           for a period of six months.

           Approval: Unanimous

020822-01  The SJC resolves that once the charter is approved, the proposed items 
           [1] and [2] as amended and agreed, should be proposed to the TAB for
           consideration as being made applicable to ALL OASIS TCs.

           [1] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/security-jc/
           [2] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/security-jc/

           Approval: Unanimous

020919-01  The SJC resolves that that in voting on all issues, it
           will strive for consensus but operate on a simple majority.

           Approval: Unanimous

020822-02  The SJC resolves that each member TC, rather than each participant
           of the SJC, will have one vote

020923-01  The SCJ resolves to invite the Web Services Security (WSS)
           TC to to appoint one or more members to attend the next 
           SJC meeting as observers. 

           Approval: Unanimous

020923-02  The SJC resolves to ask the OASIS Technical Advisory Board (TAB)
           to appoint a permanent liaison to the SJC.

           Approval: Unanimous

SJC Voting Members:

PS     Darran Rolls
RL     Hari Reddy
SS     Joe Pato
XACML  Carlisle Adams, Hal Lockhart
XCBF   Monica Martin, Phil Griffin

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