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Subject: RE: [security-jc] Agenda Item - Promote Common Meeting Locales

Title: Agenda Item - Promote Common Meeting Locales
Now I am on the list I can explain the idea. It appears to me that we are rapidly reaching the stage where some coordination between the security groups would be useful. In the past we have grouped meetings together on an informal basis. As the number of active security groups grows more formal coordination is likely to be required.
Grouping TCs together has many other benefits besides less travel. It encourages discussion between groups. It also makes for more definite deadlines. Another advantage is that scheduling becomes much easier since the dates can be planned much further in advance if done jointly. I do not take speaking engagements or arrange internal meetings during IETF week as I know when it is long before I plan my own calendar. I often have to cancel or reschedule meetings for TC events.
Coordination need not be extensive, but it does need to take place way in advance of the meetings. Now is the time to pick dates for the second half of 2003 for example. Just throwing out a city and week would be a good start.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hal Lockhart [mailto:hal.lockhart@entegrity.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 8:58 AM
To: security-jc@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [security-jc] Agenda Item - Promote Common Meeting Locales

I agreed to pass along a request (actually it came up during in the wss-qop discussion call) that the JC try to coordinate convenient locales, for example at shows and public events for security TCs to meet. The idea was to reduce travel by having 2 or more TCs meet on non-conflicting days (or times) during the same week in the same venue.


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