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Subject: [security-jc] Security Vocabulary Draft

Here's something for the group to consider. I do not really expect
comments on the terms and definitions I've collected, though please
feel free to do so.

Rather, I'd really like for us to focus primarily on the Considerations
and Abstract and References sections of this draft.

As to references, these are WIP. But it would be nice for us to suggest
some common format for referencing OASIS standards, committee
specifications and committee drafts.

On the Abstract, it would be nice to add some text - more than just the
sentence I've got here. Perhaps a statement of purpose.

On the Considerations, perhaps we should remove the text I've written
and replace it with concrete recommendations to the TAB. If we do this,
I'd like for us to address some concerns I've gotten from a couple of
members off line as to how we'd like to see the authorities practice and
behave - encourage rather than dictate - recommend rather than require
- advise rather than demand. That sort of thing.


Attachment: Security Vocabulary.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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