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Subject: [security-services] Tentative preliminary draft proposed text forISSUE: AuthorityKin d and RespondWith

Since nobody picked up the gauntlet I threw down in
I'm going to assume we have consensus for the option that makes the least
changes to the spec. That is, we continue to have the subtle difference
between AuthorityKind, which specifies the sorts of samlp:Query an authority
will answer, and RespondWith, which specifies the kind of saml:Statement a
requester wants to see.

Given that, here are the changes to switch both of these over to XML qnames.
Line numbers are relative to the core-27 PDF with change bars removed (the
one currently published on the web page).

Lines 723-728:
AuthorityKind [Required]
    The type of SAML Protocol queries to which the authority described by
this element will respond. The value is specified as an XML Schema QName.
The acceptable values for AuthorityKind are the namespace-qualified names of
element types or elements derived from the SAML Protocol Query element (see
Section 3.3. Queries). For example, an attribute authority would be
identified by AuthorityKind="samlp:AttributeQuery". For extension schemas,
where the actual type of the samlp:Query would be identified by an xsi:type
attribute, the value of AuthorityKind MUST be the same as the value of the
xsi:type attribute for the corresponding query.

Lines 740-741: <attribute name="AuthorityKind" type="QName" use="Required"/>

Lines 745-751: delete

Lines 971-1001 (Section Replace entirely with:

Section Element <RespondWith>

The <RespondWith> element specifies the type of Statement the requestor
wants from the responder. Multiple <RespondWith> elements MAY be included to
indicate that the requestor will accept assertions containing any of the
specified types. If no <RespondWith> element is given, the responder may
return assertions containing statements of any type.

If the requestor sends one or more <RespondWith> elements, the responder
MUST NOT respond with assertions containing statements of any type not
specified in one of the <RespondWith> elements.

(Include lines 986-988, Note: ... here)

RespondWith element values are XML QNames. The XML namespace and name
specifically refer to the namespace and element name of the Statement
element, exactly as for the saml:AuthorityKind attribute; see section For example, a requestor that wishes to receive assertions
containing only attribute statements must specify
<RespondWith>saml:AttributeStatement</RespondWith>. To specify extension
types, the RespondWith element MUST contain exactly the extension element
type as specified in the xsi:type attribute on the corresponding element.

The following schema fragment defines the RespondWith element:
    <element name="RespondWith" type="QName"/>

 - irving -

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