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Subject: Minutes for 20-July 2004 SSTC con-call (official and focus call)

Official meeting minutes compliments of Eve.  Focus call minutes compliments of Eve and Rob.


> Agenda for SSTC Conference Call, July 20, 2004


> Dial in info: +1 865 673 6950 #351-8396


> 1.      Roll Call


Quorum achieved 22/30 members present


Conor P.Cahill

Hal   Lockhart

Rick  Randall

Ronald      Jacobson

John  Hughes

Irving      Reid

Paula Austel

Michael     McIntosh

Anthony     Nadalin

Scott Cantor

Bob   Morgan

Prateek     Mishra

Frederick   Hirsch

John  Kemp

Jim   Lien

John  Linn

Rob   Philpott

Dipak Chopra

Jahan Moreh

Jeff  Hodges

Eve   Maler

Emily Xu

Mike  Beach

Bhavna      Bhatnagar




Prospective Members


James Vanderbeek

Gavenraj    Sodhi

Ron   Monzillo

Ari   Kermaier

Vamsi Mottokurur 

Peter Davis

Nick Ragouzis    

Forest Yin 

Carolina Canales


> 2.      Agenda Bashing

> a.      Can any of the agenda items be moved to discussion following

> adjournment (i.e. follow official call with focus call)?


We will put everything into the quorate part of the call.



> 3.      Minutes from July 6 conference call are missing attendance list

> need to be reposted.


This has been done in message 106:




APPROVED by unanimous consent.


> a.     

> _http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/security-services/200407/msg00086.html_

> 4.      Status of SSTC Last Call review:

> a.      Comments from John H:

> i.     

> _http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/security-services/200407/msg00116.html_


> ii.     Follow-up in msg00117 and 00118


Line 2206 in Profiles (which also pertains to Core) shows a hanging

empty <xsd:sequence> element.  JohnH: It's schema-acceptable, but should

we show it?  Scott prefers them and will add throughout.


AI: Scott to rationalize presence of empty <xsd:sequence> elements in

empty types in the schemas.


> b.      Frederick posted Profiles draft-16. Diff version:

> i.     

> _http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/security/download.php/7783/sstc-saml-profiles-2.0-draft-16-diff.pdf_


Summary of changes: Some minor substantive and editorial changes here.

Eve reminds editors to make spec changes during the last-call period

visible only to the TC, not to the public (so that reviewers won't get

confused with line numbers etc.).


> c.      Frederick posted Bindings draft-17. Diff version:

> i.     

> _http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/security/download.php/7792/sstc-saml-bindings-2.0-draft-17-diff.pdf_


Summary of changes: Made a structural/editorial change suggested by Eve

and improved the PAOS material.


> d.      Scott posted Profiles draft-17.  No PDF’s posted.  .SXW file:

> i.     

> _http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/security/download.php/7806/sstc-saml-profiles-2.0-draft-17.sxw_ 


Summary of changes: Added new paragraphs to the single logout profile

and made terminology changes around service provider->session

participant.  Also changed the attribute profile at the end; revisited

several of the pieces previously left hanging.  Replaced the LDAP

processing rules using text from JeffH.  This is covered in the thread

that RLBob forwarded to the mailing list.  Split up some profiles.  Had

an exchange with Anne Anderson re appropriateness of URI usage for

attribute names.


AI: Scott add something to Core around our use of URIs as identifiers in

the spec, to explain that proper use of URIs results in uniqueness.


> 5.      New issue from Ron on list (re: AssertionID/WSS Direct reference):

> a.     

> _http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/security-services/200407/msg00076.html_


Ron: There was a lot of discussion on this, with the conclusion that

there's nothing we can do here.  Best to wait until it's possible to do

an "ID unification" with W3C's xml:id construct.  Encapsulation (adding

a new parent element) shouldn't be done at the SAML level.  Rather than

creating another reference method in STP now, they used the mechanism

that's there, which will work for SAML V1.1.  For now, just use key

identifier for references.


Close this issue with no action.


Scott: The WSS TC conclusion was a mistake.


Prateek: Should the SSTC put together a formal note on this?  Tony:

Perhaps Scott should write this because the WSS TC would love to get

this input.  Rob: The SSTC itself doesn't need to take action; Scott and

all others are invited to send thoughts to the WSS TC.  Jeff: And of

course to join it and take part if they wish; better than just complaining!


> 6.      New potential issue from Eve (re: WSDL for SAML services):

> a.     

> _http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/security-services/200407/msg00102.html_


> b.      Scott suggests post 2.0?


Don't make this a V2.0 deliverable; treat it as a "deferred" issue on

the V2.0 issues list, so that it automatically gets added as a candidate

for the next wave of work.


AI: Eve to add WSDL creation to the issues list.


> 7.      FYI from Peter Davis (re: SAML+SIP profile):

> a.     

> _http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/security-services/200407/msg00107.html_


Peter: There's strong interest in the SIP community to incorporate new

kinds of tokens; SAML was the first one put out.  No changes sought from

the SSTC.


> 8.      List posting from RL “Bob” (re: X.500/LDAP attribute values):

> a.     

> _http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/security-services/200407/msg00115.html_


This work has now been incorporated into Profiles.  JeffH: It may need

more polishing, but it's 90% there.


Prateek: The Conformance document is in an early draft and isn't part of

last call, but it's out there.  Eve: Why not treat it as a "focus" topic

this week, then promote it to "quorate" topic next week?  Scott: Will

send some comments to the list.  Rob: Note that this document is

normative, just not part of the last call.  What about the idea to make

the Conformance doc the official entry point?  Eve: Strongly agrees.

General agreement.


AI: Eve to write up a text section and a suggested new title for the

Conformance document, reflecting this wider role, and post these to the



> 9.      Issue list review (Eve)


AI: Eve to revise the issues list this week; it appears that all the

really significant technical issues have been closed, but there was

issue-numbering confusion last week.


> 10.     Action item review (see list below)

> 11.     Any other business

> 12.     Adjourn


> Report created 19 July 2004 11:30pm EDT

> *** *     

> ***#0180*: Need to update SAML server trust document      

> ***Owner*: Jeff Hodges    

> ***Status*: Open  

> ***Assigned*: 12 Jul 2004 

> ***Due*: ---      

> ***Comments*:

> Rob Philpott 2004-07-20 01:59 GMT

> Original AI was for Eve to follow up with Jeff to determine whether he

> would be updating this doc. That was done.


> Discussion of this AI on 13-Jul indicates that the update will be a post

> 2.0 deliverable. Reassigned AI to Jeff for now.


Still open.


> *******       *

> ***#0179*: Does conformance meet pki-cross-domain-profile-draft-01.doc

> requirements?      

> ***Owner*: Rick Randall   

> ***Status*: Open  

> ***Assigned*: 12 Jul 2004 

> ***Due*: ---      

> ***Comments*:

> Prateek Mishra 2004-07-12 21:47 GMT

> CHeck conformance document to see if it captures the desired

> functionality described in this document.


We haven't seen an update to this.


> *******       *

> ***#0176*: Provide sequence diagrams for profiles


> *Owner*: Jeff Hodges


> *Status*: Open


> *Assigned*: 23 Jun 2004


> *Due*: ---


> *Comments*:

> Rob Philpott 2004-06-23 20:14 GMT

> as discussed at F2F #5.


> Diagram for BAP sent to list.


Will finish this week.


> *#0175*: Add Security Context to glossary


> *Owner*: Jeff Hodges


> *Status*: Open


> *Assigned*: 23 Jun 2004


> *Due*: ---


> *Comments*:

> Rob Philpott 2004-06-23 20:12 GMT

> as discussed at F2F #5


Will finish this week.


> *#0172*: need text for syntax of attr values in LDAP/X.500 profile


> *Owner*: Bob Morgan


> *Status*: Open


> *Assigned*: 23 Jun 2004


> *Due*: ---


> *Comments*:

> Rob Philpott 2004-06-23 20:05 GMT

> Discussed at f2f#5:

> RLBob to review & propose text for handling syntax of attr values in

> LDAP/X.500 profile.




> *#0166*: Investigate use of Wiki from teh web site


> *Owner*: Scott Cantor


> *Status*: Open


> *Assigned*: 22 Jun 2004


> *Due*: ---


> *Comments*:

> Rob Philpott 2004-06-22 16:40 GMT

> Scott will investigate the establishment of a wiki for SSTC use to be

> linked from the SSTC web site.


Low-prio.  In progress.


> *#0163*: Need process for submission of profiles/authn context classes, etc.


> *Owner*: Rob Philpott


> *Status*: Open


> *Assigned*: 22 Jun 2004


> *Due*: ---


> *Comments*:

> Rob Philpott 2004-06-22 16:29 GMT

> On the web site, we need to state what the process is for submitting and

> dealing with additional authn context classes, new profile documents, etc.


> Rob Philpott 2004-06-23 16:03 GMT

> Note that this is different from AI 164 for SCott and John K to propose

> text within the spec documents that points to the web site.


Still open.


> *#0160*: Separate Privacy concerns language from Element/Attribute

> descriptions


> *Owner*: Prateek Mishra


> *Status*: Open


> *Assigned*: 30 Apr 2004


> *Due*: ---


> *Comments*:

> Prateek Mishra 2004-04-30 18:14 GMT

> Jeff H - We need to highlight privacy considerations related to core,

> could be notes in core, could be section.

> *** AI: Prateek - will generate list potential changes from core


Still open.  Eve: Note that the explanation of constraints on session

indexes now includes a rationale along these lines.


> *#0158*: Propose changes to definition of Federation in glossary


> *Owner*: Prateek Mishra


> *Status*: Open


> *Assigned*: 30 Apr 2004


> *Due*: ---


> *Comments*:


Still open.  Prateek will send thoughts to the list.


> *#0157*: Define Binding and Profile in Glossary


> *Owner*: Jeff Hodges


> *Status*: Open


> *Assigned*: 30 Apr 2004


> *Due*: ---


> *Comments*:

> Prateek Mishra 2004-04-30 18:10 GMT

> o "atomic unit of interoperability" proposed


In progress.


> *#0144*: Explain optional subject decision


> *Owner*: Eve Maler


> *Status*: Open


> *Assigned*: 29 Apr 2004


> *Due*: ---


> *Comments*:

> Prateek Mishra 2004-04-29 21:51 GMT

> *** AI: Eve: Optional subject implemented in core spec prose. Schema

> shows that subject is optional.


> o Eve: Has wanted to create a rationale for some of the decisions made

> on spec. Decision on subject less statements is a good example of what

> needs to be documented. Making an explicit design decision that is not

> really explicit on. By choosing to add prose to core spec we're making a

> stealth abstract profile (generic design decision) that applies to all

> explicit profiles.


> o Scott: data model (design) decision to require subjects in all SAML

> statements.


> Rob Philpott 2004-07-20 02:05 GMT

> 13-Jul con-call minutes note that the issue should be closed. and that

> Eve "may work on commentary".


Eve: The thought here was that we may have an optional post-V2.1

deliverable that explains the "XML rationales" for various things.

JohnK: But there are selected places in the actual specs where it would

be helpful; he has suggested these.  Eve: Let's treat these comments one

by one, then.


[Scott drops off.]


> *#0132*: Text to explain privacy reqts when using certain NameFormat values


> *Owner*: John Kemp


> *Status*: Open


> *Assigned*: 13 Apr 2004


> *Due*: ---


> *Comments*:


JohnK: Scott has already made some attempts to do this in Core; should

the AI still exist?  The current text looks okay to him.


Let's close this now, but JohnK recommends that the TC review the

language and comment if they see fit.


> *#0125*: Propose language to explain that AuthNResponse may contain

> attribute statements


> *Owner*: Prateek Mishra


> *Status*: Open


> *Assigned*: 16 Feb 2004


> *Due*: ---


> *Comments*:

> Prateek Mishra 2004-02-16 14:46 GMT

> Easy to do but needs proposal on validity of assertion life-times as well.


Still open.


> *#0123*: Obtain MIME type registration for HTTP lookup of SAML


> *Owner*: Jeff Hodges


> *Status*: Open


> *Assigned*: 13 Feb 2004


> *Due*: ---


> *Comments*:

> Rob Philpott 2004-06-23 15:29 GMT

> Attached is the initial rev of an I-D seeking to register the MIME media

> type

> "application/saml+xml". Please review.


> I've pinged the I-D editor to request a filename for the doc, I'll

> submit it to

> both the I-D editor and the SSTC doc repository once that's finalized (std

> procedure for I-Ds).


> In concocting this draft, I've noted that MIME media type registrations

> aren't

> necessarily the simple little registration exercise I'd thought they

> were. They

> (the ietf-types@iana.org denizens) may desire more content, e.g. sec

> considerations, in this doc. We'll see. Nominally, I think it's "good

> enough"

> as is, especially since the SAML spec sets have thorough sec considerations

> sections and I've referenced said spec sets carefully. Anyway, we'll see.


> Also, I based this on a draft registration for application/rdf+xml. In that

> draft, Aaron Schwartz claimed an optional parameter of "charset", and

> indicated

> that the considerations thereof are the same as for "application/xml" (as

> documented in http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3023.txt). Additionally, he did the

> same thing for the "encoding considerations", i.e. said they were the

> same as

> for "application/xml". So, without excrutiating research, I did the same

> thing

> in this draft. fwiw/fyi.


> anyway, lemme know whatcha think.


> thanks,


> JeffH


Still open.


Other business:


John Linn asks that people review his draft paper in response to Thomas

Gross.  JeffH thanks John for his efforts.  Eve notes that the draft

looks good.


AI: Prateek to comment on the draft by July 23.


AI: <someone> ultimately to provide a formal response to Thomas Gross.

(This AI is just to help us track this, to make sure we do it.)


[Emily Xu announces her presence; noted on the attendance sheet.]


Formal meeting adjourns.


Focus meeting starts:


Attending: Prateek, Rob, Eve, Jeff, JohnK, RLBob, Nick Ragouzis, Irving

(did we miss anyone?)


The latest Conformance draft is here:




- Prateek: 2 parts to the discussion: 1) the approach as a whole, and 2) filling in the cells of the chart. We would like to ensure that we've filled out the matrices appropriately. 

- Eve: The term "categories" for the stuff in Section 3 is not very descriptive.  They're more like feature sets. 

- JohnK: In Liberty, there are conformance profiles vs. (regular?) profiles of the protocols. 

- JeffH: Can we just be happy with "profiles of profiles" as long as we qualify the purpose of each level, like "conformance profile", "interop profile", etc.?  We can keep refining as we go up.

- Nick Ragouzis: In Liberty, is trying to move to "interoperability profile". 

- Rob: We've had some discussions about conformance profiles vs. interop profiles.  We don't want to blur the distinction.Unfortunately, “conformance profiling” doesn’t ensure “interoperability”


It appears that feature set #3, Enhanced Client, really wants to be named "Enhanced Client SSO", and there needs to be an additional column for the enhanced client role, since this is something that a product might want to claim conformance to.


We might need roles for the old SAML V1.1 roles of "attribute authority" etc.  We could have a "SAML responder" role that implements a "feature set" (that doesn't exist yet) called "attribute query".  Do we need dummy/pass-thru feature sets (conformance profiles) along with dummy/pass-thru profiles for the obvious protocols?


- Prateek: The somewhat arbitrary piece is the feature sets (rows). 

- Rob: Instead of "role" (to avoid the "row"/"role" problem on telecons), how about "operational mode"? 

- All: Sounds okay.


- Eve: Can we ensure that the feature sets are "flat"? 

Prateek: <rant> want to see fewer, more robust “feature sets” to avoid looking like Liberty’s long list of 20+ feature sets </rant>.  Overall, we should have as few of them as possible and make them strong. 


- Eve: To combine these two goals, any temptation to add a bunch of new ever-finer

ones should be met by an effort to bundle the features in bigger bunches.  Let's avoid Liberty's 22 conformance profiles. 

- Eve: This means some implementors will have to implement MTI features they're not

intending to use or deploy, but makes it more attractive and simple to understand (and hopefully adopt) SAML.


Feature sets:       Op mode 1       Op mode 2  ...






- Rob: So we have columns such as “basic SP”, “full sp”, “basic idp”, “extended/full idp”.


- Eve: Do feature sets have differing-enough op modes that we should make

one matrix per feature set?  Maybe not.


- Eve: Also there are items in the old conformance doc that don’t appear here (e.g. nesting levels).  Need to move them forward.


- AI: Prateek to review the old Conformance document and pull forward

whatever material is appropriate into the new one.


- Prateek: want to make sure that certain operational modes are available that minimize the number of rows that are MTI.


- JohnK: But if don’t encourage the support of the NameID mgmt protocols then it may create interoperation issues. It’s all about making the tradeoffs.


- AI: Prateek will take the input from the call and present a new table proposal.


- Nick: We still have the question of whether the NameID mgmt protocols are MTI in basic.  What’s the process for reaching resolution.


- Prateek: We should take this to the general SAML community.


- Jeff: Oracle and IBM just went through Liberty conformance testing. This means the argument that minimalist implementations are few and far between.


- Prateek: why is that? Is SAML just meant for the 5 major vendors only?


- Jeff: that is a red herring argument. A small company like PingID implements the features and has passed conformance.  They’re not that big a deal.


- Rob: We do not need to continue this argument here.  What we need is to build the proposed matrix and then debate among the entire TC as to whether we need an operational mode (column) that just does simple SSO without nameID mgmt etc. Let’s first get the matrix proposal on the table.  Prateek has committed to do that.


- All: general agreement


- Call adjourned.

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