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Subject: Another attempt at AllowCreate cleanup
Another try at some better text. I took a break to see if coming back to it cold would provide some new ideas. A lot of this was in my last proposal, but I added some language motivated by some of my discussions with Brian. Hopefully it's not *too* much text now.... [SAMLCore] Authn Request Protocol Replace definition of AllowCreate, lines 2123-2129: "A Boolean value used to indicate whether the requester grants to the identity provider, in the course of fulfilling the request, permission to create a new identifier or to associate an existing identifier representing the principal with the relying party. Defaults to "false" if not present or the entire element is omitted." Replace lines 2143-2147 and insert new text at line 2130 (beginning of the explanatory text): --- "The AllowCreate attribute may be used by some deployments to influence the creation of state maintained by the identity provider pertaining to the use of a name identifier (or any other persistent, uniquely identifying attributes) by a particular relying party, for purposes such as dynamic identifier or attribute creation, tracking of consent, subsequent use of the Name Identifier Management protocol (see section XX), or other related purposes. When "false", the requester tries to constrain the identity provider to issue an assertion only if such state has already been established or is not deemed applicable by the identity provider to the use of an identifier. Thus, this does not prevent the identity provider from assuming such information exists outside the context of this specific request (for example, establishing it in advance for a large number of principals). A value of "true" permits the identity provider to take any related actions it wishes to fulfill the request, subject to any other constraints imposed by the request and policy (the IsPassive attribute, for example). Generally, requesters cannot assume specific behavior from identity providers regarding the initial creation or association of identifiers on their behalf, as these are details left to implementations or deployments. Absent specific profiles governing the use of this attribute, it might be used as a hint to identity providers about the requester's intention to store the identifier or link it to a local value. A value of "false" might be used to indicate that the requester is not prepared or able to do so and save the identity provider wasted effort. Requesters that do not make specific use of this attribute SHOULD generally set it to "true" to maximize interoperability. The use of the AllowCreate attribute MUST NOT be used and SHOULD be ignored in conjunction with requests for or assertions issued with name identifiers with a Format of urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient (they preclude any such state in and of themselves)." --- In profiles, we need to decide what the specific semantics of the attribute are for the base SSO profiles. Since I believe the intent was not to be prescriptive, we should probably replace the current text there about AllowCreate with a statement that "this profile does not provide additional guidelines for the use of AllowCreate" and reference this text in core as governing. If implementers looking for explicit treatment of account linking setup need more, than I think another profile on top of SSO is probably needed. I don't favor more explicitness here in core. [SAMLCore] Name ID Mgmt Protocol Roughly similar to my earlier suggestions, but I eliminated some of the new terminology since it didn't seem to help anything. Line 2419-2420 Change to: "This protocol MUST NOT be used in conjunction with the urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameidformat:transient <NameID> Format." As I suggested before, this rules out use of NIM for transient, which makes no sense. Replace lines 2475-2479 with: --- "If the <Terminate> element is included in the request, the requesting provider is indicating that (in the case of a service provider) it will no longer accept assertions from the identity provider or (in the case of an identity provider) it will no longer issue assertions to the service provider about the principal. If the receiving provider is maintaining state associated with the name identifier, such as the value of the identifier itself (in the case of a pair-wise identifier), an SPProvidedID value, the sender's consent to the identifier's creation/use, etc., then the receiver can perform any maintenance with the knowledge that the relationship represented by the name identifier has been terminated. Any subsequent operations performed by the receiver on behalf of the sender regarding the principal (for example, a subsequent <AuthnRequest>) SHOULD be carried out in a manner consistent with the absence of any previous state. Termination is potentially the cleanup step for any state management behavior triggered by the use of the AllowCreate attribute in the Authentication Request protocol (see section XX). Deployments that do not make use of that attribute are likely to avoid the use of the <Terminate> element or would treat it as a purely advisory matter. Note that in most cases (a notable exception being the rules surrounding the SPProvidedID attribute), there are no requirements on either identity providers or service providers regarding the creation or use of persistent state. Therefore, no explicit behavior is mandated when the <Terminate> element is received. However, if persistent state is present pertaining to the use of an identifier (such as if an SPProvidedID attribute was attached), the <Terminate> element provides a clear indication that this state SHOULD be deleted (or marked as obsolete in some fashion)." --- Certainly lots more (or less) could be said, but this text mostly doesn't change the spec wording normatively except in a couple of edge cases involving transient (and of course it softens the MUSTs around AllowCreate). I think it's tough to do much more without going beyond errata or adding new profiles. Brian and I both seemed to agree that one mistake we made was not carving out SP-initiated NIM in conformance. Because that's the most explicit indication of persistent state maintainence in the spec, so the real difference between lightweight and basic was probably there. After all the cycles spent on this, I would suggest that something based on this text be adopted or others step up to provide alternate views and argue for them based on specific proposals or profiles. I hope at least that this text clarifies what implementers really have to do (not much) to follow the letter of the spec. What they *should* support of course is a matter for product marketers to decide, I guess. -- Scott
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