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Subject: Audience Restriction nit...

On lines 922-925 in the core specification for 2.0, the sentence:
The effect of this requirement and the preceding definition is that within a given condition, the audiences forma a disjunction (an "OR") while multiple conditions form a  conjuntion (an "AND")
 took me a bit of throught to figure out (no comments on my thought process, scott).   I think we could add a note to the errata and perhaps make it into some future version that this would read better as follows
The effect of this requirement and the preceding definition is that within a given <AudienceRestrictioin, the <Audience>s form a disjunction (an "OR") while multiple <AudienceRestrictions> form a  conjuntion (an "AND").
As I said in the subject, just a nit.

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