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Subject: Re: [security-services] Comments: sstc-saml1x-metadata-cd-01

On 6/27/06, Scott Cantor <cantor.2@osu.edu> wrote:
> >
> > [line 111] Why is <md:AffiliationDescriptor> precluded?
> It has zero meaning in SAML 1.1.

I don't see why, but okay.

> > [lines 117--119] Rewrite this sentence.
> Why?

Sorry for being so terse.  This sentence doesn't read well.  It's not
clear what's being RECOMMENDED.  Perhaps something like this would be

For identity providers that support the SAML V1.x Browser/Artifact
profile and the mandatory type 0x0001 artifact format [SAML11Bind], it
is RECOMMENDED that the SHA-1 hash of their entityID be used as their
SourceID when constructing artifacts.

> > [lines 165--167] I do not understand this sentence.
> Artifacts in SAML 1.x are not indexed by endpoint. All endpoints are assumed
> to be equivalent and MUST share state.

Ah, well said.  Can you work the above sentences into the text somehow?


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