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Subject: Agenda for SET TC Meeting on March 25, 2009

Agenda for SET TC Meeting on March 25, 2009
    * Time: 4:00 PM Central European Summer Time, (Istanbul 5pm, Berlin 4pm, New York 10am, Los Angeles 7am)
    * When in doubt, please check the following link for the time: 
    * Expected Call Duration: 1 hour
    * Dial-in number:
        - Skype Number: +9900827042922072 
        - Telephone Number: 201-793-9022
        - Tollfreee from the US call #:1-888-350-0075
        - Tollfree from Canada call #:1-888-350-0075
        - Conference Room Number: 2922072
    * Instructions:
        - "*1"  Play menu of features so you know what's available
        - "*2"  Mute/Unmute your own line so other people can't hear you talking
        - "*5"  Hear the number of callers who are on the conference
        - "*9"  Raise Your Hand (When the Moderator has the conference in Lecture Mode)

- Presentation on "UN/CEFACT Unified Context Methodology (UCM) Direction And Concepts" by Scott Hinkelman, Oracle

Shared-screen support (VNC session) will be started 5 minutes before the call at:
    * view-only password: "settc"   
    * if you plan to be logging into this shared-screen option (which the speaker
    may be navigating), and you are not familiar with the process, please try
    to call in 5 minutes before the start of the session so that we can work
    out the connection logistics. Help on this will generally not be available
    once the presentation on SET TC Overview starts.   
    * people behind corporate firewalls may have difficulty accessing this.
    If that is the case, please find the slides enclosed and run them
    locally. The speaker will prompt you to advance the slides during the talk. 
Questions, Answers & Discourse:   
    * (Unless the conference host has already muted everyone) Please mute your phone,
    by pressing "*2" on your phone keypad, when the talk is in progress. 
To un-mute, press "*2"   
    * If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make, please "raise your hand
    (virtually)" by pressing "*9" on your phone keypad. You may speak when acknowledged
    by the speaker or the session moderator. Test your voice and introduce yourself first
    before proceeding with your remarks, please.  
    * You can also type in your questions or comments through the
    browser based chat session by:   
        - pointing a separate browser tab (or window) to
        http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room and enter: 
        and My Name="Your Own Name" (e.g. "JaneDoe")   
        - or point your browser to: 
        - Instructions: once you got access to the page, click on the "settings" button,
        and identify yourself (by modifying the Name field). You can indicate that you
        want to ask a question verbally by clicking on the "hand" 
button, and wait for
        the moderator to call on you; or, type and send your question into the chat window
        at the bottom of the screen.  

Just in case there is a problem in conference room mentioned above, there is another 
conference room reserved for the meeting as a back up strategy. The details are as 
    * Date:      March 25, 2009
    * Start Time:     4:00 PM Central European Summer Time
    * Participants:     25
    * Dial-in Number:     1-(712)-432-0075   (Midwest)  
    * Participant access code:  168523 
Asuman Dogac

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