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Subject: RE: [soa-blueprints] To Proceed

I guess the point is...
Can you get the group to adopt your house blueprint?
What would be the motivation for everyone to build a house like yours?
One thing that people may see value in is how you decorated or some of the layout ideas your house has to incorporate into their house, but I doubt anyone would adopt your blueprints room for room... facet by facet.
I still like to use the analogy of the kitchen studies from the 1950s they study a variety of kitchens to see what worked and what didn't.
The final report was on best practices of designing kitchens for optimal working based on the task of cooking.
Is this making sense?
- Dan
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Laskey [mailto:klaskey@mitre.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:21 AM
To: Marchant, Dan R.
Cc: development@reliablesoftware.com; steve.g.jones@capgemini.com; soa-blueprints@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [soa-blueprints] To Proceed

Not to beat the housing analogy too much but, yes, there is iteration of a sorts in building a house.  We had an addition put on and the contractors realized there was a vent in a wall they were cutting through and that vent would have to be rerouted.  Did they invent new windows?  No, but they did swap out some "standard" components when the "implementation" indicated a better approach.  Finally, did they update all the blueprints?  Come on, when does the documentation ever catch up?

As we noticed in SOA-RM, non-IT analogies are very valuable and there are more parallels in life than you sometimes expect.  However, if you try to work out every twist of the example to the work at hand, you will have a frustrating, never-ending iteration.


On Jan 24, 2006, at 10:12 AM, <marchadr@wellsfargo.com> wrote:

It is very interesting how a lot of software professionals equate building software with building a house or building. Does this mean the practices are the same between construction and software I think not. When have you had a finalized business specification to build from, is it iterative? Can you iterate construction?

The practices are very different. One thing that does seem to be similar is that both have a bill of materials for planning and best practices of how to build sections of the subject. For instance, a blueprint in construction is most of the time not going to invent a 3 quarter weld approach or to redesign the lintel or basement approaches. It has some set patterns or "reference blueprints" on sections of the blueprint. It puts all the "reference blueprints" for specific problem spaces within it's blueprint to make up the specific blueprint.

A construction blueprint also does not invent the materials it uses, have you ever seen anyone invent a new window for a building, with a variance on the process. It is not in the best interest of a contractor of a building to invent new materials or approaches, it means he has to find different resources than his normal operations to fulfill these tasks.

The same approach is something we should develop as the blueprint. Make it more of a reference blueprint that can be applied in a domain as an example of use. Coming up with domain specific blueprints will distract the TC as they will tend to think that all banks fall in the specific banking example. Has anyone ever seen an example of banking within development and software design books? Did it meet what the specific bank was doing? Probably not. Mergers and acquisitions changes domains in a slight way that could be addressed through SOA but most of the time the expense versus the business as usual is a major factor in purifying a technical architecture.

The way most of the approaches have been to SOA is to componentize your software thereby making it easier to slap a service on it. Well welcome to reality if you where to componentize every system you have before moving to an SOA that could be a huge expense that in most cases becomes busy work if the system is working.

Those are my 2 cents before a cup of coffee.

- Dan

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:50 AM
To: Jones, Steve G; Marchant, Dan R.;
Subject: RE: [soa-blueprints] To Proceed

Actually architects do specify the actual building materials and their 
strengths when coming up with a blueprint. They have to make sure the 
buildings they design can stand up. Engineering companies may check and 
validate the architect's choices.

The real point, I think, is those intermediate documents that you refer to 
are architectural documents that belong to a reference architecture, not a 
blueprint which deals with an implementation. Implementation means getting 
vendor specific which I think is something the TC wants to avoid. We might 
want to come up with reference architectures, or concrete architectures 
which then could be implemented with a specific vendors technology (as with 

But call it a blueprint, or a reference architecture, we still have to 
decide the domain of discourse. In other words, we have to decide what 
types of documents we want, and why we want them.

I am not sure how one goes about doing that.


At 05:20 PM 1/23/2006, Jones, Steve G wrote:

When an architect sketches out the original design for the building it
outlines the principles and practice and puts in place the areas where more
refinement is required.  These areas are further refined by the architects
team they become an outline blueprint that defines the major elements, this
is then passed to an engineering company who determine the actual materials
and strengths, and its probably these folks who produce the final
construction blueprints and these can be modified.

At each level the blueprint has become more and more detailed from the
initial sketches on the architects desk.  For me its this process that is
mirrored in SOA blueprints, if your project is only 20 people or so they
might be one document put out at the start, if however you are trying to
move an entire organisation towards SOA its more like building a small town
so there are lots of levels of blueprints.  Even in one building there are
blueprints for the building and then blueprints for each floor, each at
different levels of abstraction.

I might have taken this metaphor as far as I can go, but the point is that
when you are planning any major construction project whether in software,
buildings or planes you have various levels of abstractions to communicate
different levels of concepts and break down the problem for different


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 January 2006 22:02
Subject: Re: [soa-blueprints] To Proceed

A blueprint is detailed instructions on how to implement a particular
design. Construction blueprints are modified as the building is
to reflect the actual decisions the contractor made in the field.

In building construction, of course, one can have a plan that is distinct
from the artifact itself. In the software world, detailed instructions on
implementation is very often identical to writing code.

I suppose one could describe a particular SOA in terms of service inputs
and outputs and orchestrations, etc. without reference to a vendor
implementation. This is some soft of architectural document, not a

I understand what a reference architecture is. I understand what a
architecture is. I have no idea what an abstract blueprint is.


At 12:49 PM 1/23/2006, marchadr@wellsfargo.com wrote:
To All,

Here is what I gather from the group as a whole:

1. Need a context on what we are doing.
    - 2 cents:  A problem statement would be a great start with

2. Need to defining use cases to provide context on the blueprints
     - 2 cents: establish a use case document that can be expand on this
and may have domain related spin offs

3. Need to establish what a blueprint is.

I think everyone should start adding to this list and adding opinions,

This may help to create a bit of focus or strategy.



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Ken Laskey
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