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Subject: Re: [tamie-comment] amended schema suggestion (updated event model)and corresponding altered examples

Hi Stephen,

Let's say it's always better having more updates : )
Indeed, when running inside an XTemp "engine", this use case (using an empty - i.e. with no <event>'s - file) is welcomed, as it is needed to start the execution of a script that takes events from other sources than a file (but which uses an empty events file for simulating the start).

I hope to have time to integrate the XTemp transformer in my project during this week, as it looks promising. So I might provide some feedback after that.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Stephen Green <stephengreenubl@gmail.com> wrote:
Apologies if this is a bit messy now with a third update to my suggested schema
but I found from your examples that the schema event model needs to allow for
a file with no events. I've attached such a modified schema along with
an amended,
zipped set of your examples which reference it.

Best regards

Stephen D Green


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