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Subject: Event driven testing framework (edtf) prototype - Live monitoring of event driven systems using OASIS / XTemp

Hi everyone,

After about two years of exciting "after-work" development, it is my pleasure to announce you that the first edtf prototype (edtf 0.0.1) is available for expert users.

Before saying anything more, I would like to thank OASIS TaMIE TC for the support received on XTemp related topics.

The first edtf prototype allows one to perform live monitoring of event driven systems using OASIS / XTemp.

Keeping things simple, edtf consists of a server (edtf.server) and a client (edtf.client), both written in Java.
edtf.server is a web-service. This web-service has one major task: to receive XML <event>s and to store them in the (internal) event board (or event container).
edtf.server allows one to execute an XTemp script in "Live mode" (i.e. <catch> performs a "blocking wait", until the user specified XPath condition will match an event).
Once can launch edtf.server like this (detailed information about the arguments can be found by running edtf.server without any arguments):

   $ edtf.server config/edtf.server.config.xml xtemp\xtemp_translator.xsl samples\usecase-1.xtemp samples\noevents.xml

As edtf.server now listens for XML <event>s, one can simulate them using the edtf.client.
To select one event with a given ID and send it to edtf.server, one can use the edtf.client (which is a web-service client of edtf.server).

   $ edtf.client config/edtf.client.config.xml samples/uc1-events.xml /xtemp:event-board/xtemp:events/xtemp:event[@id="1"]

.. or simply use an available batch script for sending all the events with IDs in the specified range (1 to 4 in the below example):

   $ send.events 1 4

Please note that the current <catch> implementation does not yet offer @tryfor functionality, which means <catch> blocks "infinitely".
So one has to simulate the "last event" (see uc1-events.xml) for ending the script.
@tryfor functionality will be part of a future prototype release.

Minimal deployment testing was performed on:
 - Windows 7 x64 Professional SP1,  Oracle JRE (Java version "1.7.0_01")
 - Fedora 14 x64, OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Java version "1.6.0_20")
Both deployments use Saxon 9.3 HE (included in edtf prototype).

Being a prototype, please do not expect a perfect release.
There are still quite a few items to iterate on (like bugs, features, testing, performance, user documentation, etc.) until a solid edtf 0.1 can be safely made available to a larger audience.
However, edtf has now a new member, which will hopefully allow edtf 0.1 to be released sooner.

In case you have questions and / or feedback about edtf, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Marius Plavan

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