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Subject: RE: [tax] FW: standard format for payroll tax tables
Sylvia Webb
From: Tigers Mailing List [mailto:tigers@lists.taxadmin.org] On Behalf Of Jonathan Lyon
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 11:13 AM
Subject: standard format for payroll tax tables
Interested, anyone?
Jonathan Lyon
A standard format for payroll tax tables really would be useful. I imagine this principally would require an agreement among the federal, state, local tax entities and payroll software vendors. While HR-XML would not take on this type of payroll tax table project, it might possibly be of interest to the TIGERS group within ASC X12. This is a group that does have representation from federal and some state taxing authorities as well as major payroll vendors.
I've copied the chair of the TIGERS workgroup who might be able to tell you if a project of this type has been discussed.
Best Regards,
Chuck Allen
Director, HR-XML Consortium, Inc.
From: Paul Kiel [mailto:paul@hr-xml.org]
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 10:14 AM
To: 'Tracy Williams'
Cc: kim@hr-xml.org; Chuck Allen - hrxml
Subject: RE: HR-XML Quick Question (payroll)
Hi Tracy,
Apologies for the delayed reply - I was in Chicago at our latest meeting most of last week.
While there have been several attempts to address more of the payroll transactions that are of interest to members (i.e. general ledger has been brought up numerouos times), there is no current payroll related activity within the Consortium right now. Having said this, we are member driven, so if you were to join the Consortium and find like minded folks with an interest in standardizing specific transactions, we would certainly welcome new activity.
I'll also pass on your question to our payroll email list to share with them.
Paul Kiel
W. Paul Kiel
HR-XML Consortium
-----Original Message-----
From: Tracy Williams [mailto:taw@datatel.com]
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 5:53 PM
To: paul@hr-xml.org
Subject: HR-XML Quick Question
Are there any plans in the works for an HR-XML schema for payroll tax table updates that need to be updated within each payroll system from federal/state/local entities to employers? That would be very helpful information if this is being planned or is in the works.
Thank you for any information you can provide!
Tracy Williams, M.A.
Human Resource Product Manager
Datatel, Inc.
How higher education does business.
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