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Subject: [tc-voting] FW: [Fwd: [tc-announce] OASIS Call For Vote - XACML]

Microsoft votes on the approval of the following Committee Specification
as an OASIS Standard:


-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Best [mailto:karl.best@oasis-open.org] 
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 2:12 PM
To: Chris Kurt
Subject: [Fwd: [tc-announce] OASIS Call For Vote - XACML]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [tc-announce] OASIS Call For Vote - XACML
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 16:44:52 -0500
From: Karl Best <karl.best@oasis-open.org>
Reply-To: karl.best@oasis-open.org
Organization: OASIS
To: voting-reps@lists.oasis-open.org, tc-announce@lists.oasis-open.org

OASIS Voting Representatives:

This is a Call For Vote to approve the eXtensible Access Control Markup
Language (XACML) Committee Specification v1.0 as an OASIS Standard.

The review materials for this specification are available at

This specification was submitted to OASIS members for a 30 day review
from November 8, 2002 through December 8, 2002, then approved by the TC
as a Committee Specification. The submission was then sent out to OASIS
members on 31 December 2002 for the required 15-day familiarization
period. The required review and familiarization periods have now been
completed and it is time to vote.

As each OASIS member organization has only one vote, employees of your
organization should have sent their input to you, their voting
representative, so that you can decide on how to vote for your

The voting representative from each OASIS member organization should
submit the organization's vote to the following address by midnight ET
31 January:


The ballot should be in a form similar to the following:

[name of organization] votes on the approval of the following Committee
Specification as an OASIS Standard:


As the specification has already gone through its public review period
no comments will be collected during the voting period.

The organization may change its vote up to the end of the voting period.
The organization's vote should be cast by the official voting
representative, but if multiple people from a single organization cast
votes the ballot cast by the organization's voting representative will
take precedence.


Karl F. Best
Vice President, OASIS
+1 978.667.5115 x206
karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org

Karl F. Best
Vice President, OASIS
+1 978.667.5115 x206
karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org

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