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Subject: [xtm-wg] UCS Survey Reply

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I have completed the UCS survey both as email and pasted the XML
fragement with my responses below. Please consider answering Bryan's
call for more use cases before the end of the week. We will be making
public appeals for such use cases in the near future and it would be
nice to have all the ones from the XTM community in hand first.

1) Please identify one or more use cases.  Indicate with
    a (*) any use case which is directly relevant to your
    anticipated application(s) of XTM.

a) *Navigation of complex textual traditions (multiple languages)
b) *Mechanism to "allow discovery" (on the fly merging of topic maps) of
related topics
c) ___________________________________

(2) Please indicate one or more markets to which these use
    cases apply. (This is to separate the technology from
    the application.)

a) Academic publishing, monographs, journals, textbooks (links to
primary source materials)
b) Search engines to collate topic maps maintained by diverse groups or
c) ___________________________________

(3) Please indicate if you are willing to contribute a detailed
    use case for the XTM specification.  (We need identify use
    cases for which there exists significant support within the
    XTM community.)

(Yes/No): Yes

Use case: Navigation of bible commentary, bible text and dictionary
(possibly including other materials, depends upon time available)

(4) Please indicate if you would like to join the Use Cases
    subgroup.  If yes, please indicate your membership status
    in XTM (e.g., founding, participating, advisory, sponsor,
    host-organization, none).  Non-members are welcome to
    participate in the XTM-UCS discussions on the list, but
    do not have any official standing.

(Yes/No): Yes

Membership status: Founding

(5) Please provide contact information (so we can tell who is
    interested in what).

Name: Patrick Durusau

Company: Society of Biblical Literature

EMail: pdurusau@emory.edu


Patrick Durusau
Director of Research and Development
Society of Biblical Literature

***Response as XML fragment***

<USC_Response Date="2000-08-30">
  <Case Application="Y">Navigation of complex textual traditions
(multiple languages)</Case>
  <Case Application="Y">Mechanism to "allow discovery" (on the fly
merging of topic maps) of related topics</Case>
  <Market>Academic publishing, monographs, journals, textbooks (links to
primary source materials)</Market>
  <Market>Search engines to collate topic maps maintained by diverse
groups or scholars</Market>
  <Subject_UseCase>Navigation of bible commentary, bible text and
dictionary (possibly including other materials, depends upon time
  <Name>Patrick Durusau</Name>
  <Company>Society of Biblical Literature</Company>

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