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Subject: [xtm-wg] XTM-UCS Usecase survey

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Here's my first/rough categorization of the submitted usecases from the
survey, FYI. 


Ann W.


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Title: usecases-sorted

Usecase survey - rough grouping

Usecases submitted to the XTM-UCS survey, grouped.
AMW 9/00

1. Navigating complex content: XTM supports supplementary structure and information providing specific support for applications providing navigation/access functionality

Note: this category includes using XTM to associate standoff markup and metadata with resources.

Inside SVG XML structures use XTM to house metadata
Inside XML data structures use XTM house metadata insurance vertical
management of diverse content delivery in web applications
defining content hyperlinking
indexing electronic media
Portal query of structured knowledge resources
Navigation of complex textual traditions (multiple languages)
Mechanism to "allow discovery" (on the fly merging of topic maps) of related topics
navigating geospatial metadata, integration with existing/developing standards
Topic Maps in constructivist learning
Topic Maps for navigating B2B web sites
knowledge base for agent-aided site navigation
Navigation of large documentation sets with dynamic selection criteria (scopes), frequent addition/deletion of occurrences, and both hiearchical/ordered and non-ordered associations
business portal navigation tool
multiple-view organization of internetworked resources in scientific documentation (here: in the social sciences) (interlinking bibliographic, project, fact databases, sdi services, theme foci, clearinghouse, all already indexed with in-house classification & thesaurus) see e.g. http://www.bonn.iz-soz.de/index-e.htm
multiple-view organization of didactic material (e.g. in information science, see e.g. the site http://www.k-n-o-r-z.de/search/themap.asp)
multiple-view organization of long-term personal or group workspaces (e.g. scholarly note-taking, archives of artists etc.)
interrelating different conceptual schemata to organize knowledge for user-oriented tasks, e.g. in the domain of cultural heritage
help, glossary maps
multiple views into social science resource sets

2. Topical organization: XTM supports supplementary structure and information encoding ontologies, taxonomies, indexes etc.

 Portal link navigation modeling
 issues involved in mapping single or merging multiple ontologies in topic maps
 creating cooperative annotated bibliographies and how to merge these when appropriate
 LEXICAL systems (cf UMLS, wordnet)

3. Knowledge modelling: XTM supports supplementary structure and information providing specific support for knowledge management

4. XTM can "Interchangeably represent" (words from 13250) the structure & information in (1) (2) and (3).

use XTM as a linguafranca to exchange knowledge between knowledge systems
serialized representation of complex program structures (with documentation) including persistence of state (or states)
Interchange between Knowledge Management Systems
knowledge interchange for recommender systems
One of several formats for an import/export standard for tools for organizing thoughts (Tools for Thinking, Knowledge Management, Mobile Computing, Enterprise Application Integration, Modeling Languages)
personal exchangable maps

General application area pointers

economic / financial database
encyclopedia publishing

AMW 9/00

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