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Subject: [xtm-wg] XTM-UCS - NewsML Requirements as Use Case

I've just posted messages to the ISS and CMS about NewsML. This is the newly
approved (last Friday) specification from the IPTC (International Press
Telecommunications Council) which will serve as the mechanism for the
delivery of news throughout the news industry.

Many major news agencies have already publicly stated that they will be
adopting NewsML in the very near future. Associated Press is already
delivering the "top 10 stories of the day" in NewsML-beta format, and
Reuters will be opening a publicly visible "NewsML Showcase" on the Web
within days, which will, among other things, deliver daily major news
stories in NewsMLv1.0 format, complete with navigability and cool user
interface auto-generated directly from the NewsML source, within the
browser, using an XSLT stylesheet.

NewsML includes the ability to flag metadata with Confidence and Importance
ratings. This was part of what led Tony Coates of Reuters to suggest at
Extreme Markup in Montreal that we should think about the idea of "fuzzy
topic maps", and this has been reflected in some of the Use Case requrements
we are considering.

The News "Use Case" was listed in the original list of use cases circulated
at our Paris meeting. For more information, here are extracts from the
NewsML Functional Specification document.

"NewsML is a compact, extensible and flexible structural framework for news,
based on XML and other appropriate standards and specifications. It supports
the representation of electronic news items, collections of such items, the
relationships between them, and their associated metadata. It allows for the
provision of multiple representations of the same information, and handles
arbitrary mixtures of media types, formats, languages and encodings. It
supports all stages of the news lifecycle and allows the evolution of news
items over time. Though media-independent, NewsML provides specific
mechanisms for handling text. It allows the provenance of both metadata and
news content to be asserted."
"The NewsML Requirements document set out the capabilities that NewsML is
required to deliver. The current specification describes the technical means
that have been employed to meet those requirements. The requirements can be
briefly summarised as follows (numbers in brackets preceded by the letter R
are references to the relevant clauses in the NewsML Requirements document):
NewsML is to be a compact (R900), extensible and flexible (R700) structural
framework for news, based on XML and other appropriate standards and
specifications (R1000). It must support the representation of electronic
news items, collections of such items, the relationships between them, and
their associated metadata (R100). It must allow for the provision of
multiple representations of the same information (R500), and handle
arbitrary mixtures of media types, formats, languages and encodings (R300,
R400). It must support all stages of the news lifecycle (R600) and allow the
evolution of news items over time (R200). Though media-independent, NewsML
will provide specific mechanisms for handling text (R1100). It will allow
for the authentication and signature of both metadata and news content

The full NewsML Requirements document can be obtained from
The NewsML DTD is available at


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Daniel Rivers-Moore
Director of New Technologies
Tel: +44 (0) 1793 792004
Mobile: +44 (0) 7970 893847
Email: daniel.rivers-moore@rivcom.com

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