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topicmaps-comment message

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Subject: Re: [xtm-wg] XTM-CMS: Topic associations

* Dale Hunscher
| 1. A definition of the association *class* (or template might be a
| better word) such that it has the required anchor roles "husband"
| and "wife"; possibly each could allow multiple instances to account
| for polygamy and polyandry.

This issue has been raised before, and is what has often been called
'schemas for topic maps'.  This been discussed in the community
before, but as far as I know there are no currently ongoing efforts to
standardize anything like this.

XTM has enough on its plate right now in any case, but once the syntax
and conceptual model are out of the way I think this would be a useful
next step.
| 2. A way of specifying the topic of the *instance* of an association
| of this type; e.g., the marriage of Jack and Jackie above is a topic
| unto itself, independent of either person (as the tabloids of the
| 60's so vividly, and vapidly, demonstrated).

This is essentially what the proposed 'nameservice' element tries to
do.  Ontopia recently proposed another (and IMHO far better) way of
doing the same:

<URL: http://www.egroups.com/files/xtm-wg/Interchange/XTM+-+The+Ontopia+Comments.htm#EVERYTHING >

However, adding this is a far from trivial job (see the bottom of the
section referenced above), so I'm not sure that you can expect to see
this in XTM 1.0.

BTW, if anyone has comments on either the Ontopia comments or on my
EXPRESS-G model it would be really nice to hear them. So far nobody
seems to have even acknowledged the existence of these two submissions.

--Lars M.

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