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Subject: Re: [xtm-wg] [XTM-CMS] Is there no data model?

* Chris Angus
| Can I respond to your email as someone who has recently become
| involved with the process as an invited expert to the XTM-CMS
| subgroup. 

Thank you, Chris, this is the kind of answer I was looking for.

| I agree pretty much with the core sentiment of your statement "To
| me, the data model seemed absolutely crucial, ..."

I'm glad to hear that. It really is my main concern that people share
that sentiment.

| I think that for 'conceptual model' you should read 'conceptual data
| model' or 'abstract data model'.

It really is part of my point that that is precisely what I do not
do.  I've seen the conceptual model and to me it does not look like an
abstract data model.  It does not seem to give a lot of guidance to
someone wanting to create, say, a relational database schema for
storing topic maps.  

Nor does there seem to be any plans for proper description of the core
operations on topic maps, like merging. Kal posted a document on this
very issue, which was met with deafening silence.

| The abstract data model is currently being refined and produced.

What I have seen so far I can only describe as a conceptual model.
What I want is a data model.  The two are not the same.

I'm glad to hear that there will soon be a conceptual model, and if it
looks more like what I would call a data model that would definitely
make me a lot happier. It would have to be rather different from the
current proposal to do that, though.

So at the moment my question still remains: what can we do to get a
data model quickly?

To give you more of an idea of what I want, see my own naive
done-in-half-an-hour data model:

  <URL: http://www.doctypes.org/xtm/docs/express-model.pdf >

--Lars M.

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