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Subject: Re: [xtm-wg] Dynamic Generation and Serving of Topic Maps

* Dan Brickley
| RDF needs to be processed as RDF; we don't look to XML query
| languages and APIs to do this work in the same way that we _use_
| Unicode but we don't try using a Unicode API or query language to
| build RDF applications. I believe topicmaps to be in the same
| situation.

So do I, as I hope the recent debate makes clear. 

| Without wishing to get into a pass-the-blame discussion, I would
| substitute 'XML' for 'Web' here. The excitement around XML has led
| too many to conclude that the DOM/Infoset level is the right place
| to do all our work. Lots of information systems (RDF, topic maps,
| UML...) can make great use of XML without pushing query, APIs etc
| down to the syntax level.

I think syntax is the wrong word for it.  As I see it, XML has one
data model (described by the infoset), RDF another and topic maps a
third.  Operating on the DOM level is not operating on the syntax
level, it is operating on the XML data model level.
| If this is where you're up to in the topic map roadmap, I'd urge
| implementors to take a look at the various APIs for RDF that have
| been proposed. Maybe they'll work for topic maps, maybe they
| won't. Now seems like a great time to find out. 

Good point.  If time allows, I will have a look.  The one API I have
looked at, DATAX, did not seem to match at all, but it's worth looking
at the others as well.

| I'd love to know what kind of APIs folk have been using for topic
| maps, and how these compare. Does anyone have a URL for something
| like this...?

At the moment there are, as far as I know, only two topic map APIs
available publicly, both of which can be found at

<URL: http://www.garshol.priv.no/download/xmltools/std_ix.html#S_TM >

--Lars M.

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