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Subject: Re: [xtm-wg] Dynamic Generation and Serving of Topic Maps

* Dave Pawson
| Sorry. Too terse. One of the issues with large xml objects in a
| server based system is that they need to be loaded into memory to be
| parsed, and then used by XSLT/XPATH/Xpointer. 

Not at all.  Large XML documents stored in databases will only be
parsed when they are imported into the database.  Once they are in the
database, XSLT/XPath/XPointer operations will be performed by mapping.

Look at Tamino to see one example of this.

| Hence my concern that any serious XML based TM would similarly be
| constrained by memory.

Well, XPath-TMQL could be implemented on top of XML databases, so that
is not really the issue.
* Lars Marius Garshol
| XML-based tools don't enter into it, except in the import and export
| parts, which are crucial, but rarely used compared to direct access.
* Dave Pawson
| I sincerely hope you are wrong here Lars. Otherwise whats the point
| of using XML, if you cant take advantage of the tools being
| developed for XML?

Well, topic maps do make use of XML tools, but only in the areas where
they actually provide useful services to topic maps. These are, as I
see it, transportation syntax. Nothing else.
| I'd certainly concur about auto-generation. Surely most users will
| be auto generating from some xml based source, at least for the
| basic topics?

Not necessarily. I think most users will auto-generate, but not
necessarily from XML. Relational databases, OODBMs, LDAP directories,
STEP/EXPRESS databases and so on are probably far more important data
sources than XML.

--Lars M.

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