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Subject: grove plans (off-topic; was: Re: [xtm-wg] Does processing a TM yield one graph, or several?)

[Steve Newcomb:]
> > (I hope and believe that grove plans have nothing to do with this
> > issue, either conceptually or literally.  I'm curious to understand
> > why you think they might -- seems like I'm missing something, here.)

> Groves, being, like "graphs", graphs, can be humongous; so one wants to
> "filter" the grove to make it usable for a particular purpose. I
> thought that was what grove plans did. [WARNING: If that's wrong, if
> possible just tell me No, and cite the HyTime clause, in the interests
> of time, and space.]

You're not wrong, but the filtration provided by grove plans can only
"filter out" (as it were) specific whole properties (and their values)
of all the nodes of the particular classes that have those properties.
I'm gathering that the kind of filtration you seem to be proposing
would be based on the *values* of properties.  A grove plan can't be
used for such a purpose; it's just the wrong kind of tool altogether.

> An alternative, to be discussed in Dallas, is to forget about <xtm>.
> Then the <topicMap> would become the one and only starting point for
> the graph construction process.

One and only one <topicMap> is *always* the one and only starting
point for the graph construction process, regardless of how many
<topicMap>s may appear in a containing <xtm>.  That's not
controversial, as far as I know.

We can all see this "Do we need the <xtm> container element?"
discussion coming.  There is a perception of a real requirements
conflict here.  To my way of thinking, however, the advantages of
having the <xtm> container element far outweigh the disadvantage
(which seems to me to amount, in toto, to a really insignificant
amount of extra complexity).  But that's just my opinion, and I have
just one vote.


Steven R. Newcomb, Consultant

voice: +1 972 359 8160
fax:   +1 972 359 0270

405 Flagler Court
Allen, Texas 75013-2821 USA

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