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Subject: RE: grove plans (off-topic; was: Re: [xtm-wg] Does processing a T M yield one graph, or several?)

> which other packaging mechanism did you have in mind?

Here is what we decided in Swindon:

By a narrow margin, it was provisionally decided that a topic map
document may contain multiple distinct topic maps. Some applications,
such as those that may need to interchange multiple topic maps for
comparative analysis purposes, will find this feature convenient.
Basically, this amounts to the addition of a wrapper document element
type (perhaps called <xtmdoc>) whose only purpose is to contain one or
more <topicmap> elements. 

Blinded by the spell-binding oratory of its advocates, I voted for this
(provisional) proposal.

I now believe that to specify the "interchange" of topic maps in any
reasonable fashion will take resources and time we do not have --
unfortunate though this is. We've laid a solid groundwork for this
effort, through your proposal, Peter, and Kal's, but for now there just
isn't time to exploit it.


<?-- "To imagine a language is to imagine a form of life."
     - Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations -->

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