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Subject: [xtm-wg] XTM in the 'real world'

I would appreciate comment on the following:

e.g. Blah                p20
          compiling     p798

could be expressed as:   compiling(Blah)
-predicate on single term

then the associations:
                                     pageRef(Blah, 20)
                                     pageRef(compiling(Blah), 798)

What worries me about a topic map is that a single term predicate has to be
a topic, but a dyadic predicate (or n > 1 -adic) becomes an association
(which can then be 'reified' with a topic that has the...etc. yawn). That is
a strange partition for something that some claim is aiming at knowledge
representation to make.

Secondly, if I were to represent the above data structure in a relational
DB, then pageRef would be much faster if made an implicit relation (mapped
from topic and its occurrences), compiling(Blah) would be better an implicit
relation (but mapped from a topic alone?! I don't think so), but first level
entry - second level entry could be implicit (mapped from explicit "1st-2nd"
association) or explicit (mapped from association into special column
stating the type of relation between these two things used only to cater for
display properties).

Hmm. That's a stack load of negotiation to make to provide optimisation of
the data server end.


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