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Subject: RE: [topicmaps-comment] Re: Let's introduce ! [Re: test of OASIS list]

[Bernard Vatant:]
> take a few minutes to say "hello, I'm still there,
> I'll stay involved in TopicMaps.Org in such and such
> a way, I'm representing such and such company,
> organization, project ..." or "count me out, for
> reasons x,y,z ..."

Since attending a TM tutorial given by Michel and Steve in XML'99, I have involved myself in the TM community as a representative from Boeing.  As one would expect, any technology that could help us putting our house in order, especially for the Intranet of a large enterprise, is good news.  TM seemed much more intuitive to me (than RDF), and I hope more products and tools will be available for us to implement.  I am glad to see the division of labor between core TM activities (done in ISO) and TM application activities (done in OASIS).  I like to be more involved in the OASIS TM-related TC's, but need to first understand the overall architecture of TM applications.  For example, how does the OASIS TC's compare with the W3C Web Ontology (WebOnt) WG (http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/) in terms of providing "ontology vocabulary" (or higher) in Tim B-L's depiction of the semantic web architecture (http://www.w3.org/2000/Talks/1206-xml2k-tbl/slide10-0.html)?  I hope the imminent!
 OASIS TopicMaps.Org member section will provide a forum to address those architectural issues first, before we dive (prematurely) into the (seemingly random) creation of TM-related TC's.  At Boeing, I support companywide adoption of XML-based standards and lead a companywide XML community of pratice.


Scott Tsao
The Boeing Company

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