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Subject: Re: [topicmaps-comment] situated context

[Paul Stephen Prueitt]

> Situated context IS involved in human awareness.  One might define this
> concept by looking at the experiemental evidence from the approporate
> sciences.  **Then** we might look at the problems in knowledge
> representation that most of the membership of the XML community is well
> aware of.  The question is then about whether of not there is ever
> like the **situated context** defined by these science involved in XML
> parsing or the retrieval of XML strings from a larger XML string.  What
> about XML "addition" .
> Does the notion of scope reify the bioligical notion of situated context?

I suggest (if David Dodds will permit my extending his remarks) the
following point of view:  if we could arrange for a non-biological system to
have something "like" or analogous to "awareness", the all Paul's work on
situated-ness should apply just as well to it.  Since we don't know much
about the nature of awareness or even situated-ness, to deny such a
possiblity requires some degree of hubris.

Not-cross-posting-but-feel-free-to-forward-ly yours,

Tom P

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